New Faces, Old Faces

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In just a week, after submitting the documents required of her, Momo found and settled in an apartment in the city. The people working at the agency were warm and welcoming, and she couldn't ask for more.

Momo busied herself taking care of things she hadn't gotten the time to catch up with her friends. Shouto, on the other hand, had a scheduled mission and the same goes for Jirou who, as of late had been in demand, and only showed for a day.

Nevertheless, she moved in, with a large bed, a decent set of sofa, and a medium-sized cream closet. She planned on just creating her own set of utensils and cutleries. The teacup she made herself during that afternoon was sitting on her coffee table after she served herself a cup of tea.

Momo had to create an impromptu body mirror since she forgot the one in her parent's mansion where her things were dropped off. She was bound to Best Jeanist's agency for her tentative schedule, and to officially start working tomorrow.

Dressed to impress, she headed out.


Just like her first impressions of the heroes working under the helm of Best Jeanist, they were amiable and lively. Almost like a squad of fascinated heroes who were so devoted to the man of the agency. They politely led her to her assigned desk, for when she had to do paperwork. After a brief introduction with the people present, Best Jeanist left for his patrol with a subordinate.

The agency was saturated with male heroes, with one or three females she spotted when she stepped in. One of them, Saya, as she introduced herself sat beside her desk and handed her a piece of paper for her patroling schedule.

She offered her a smile, as her eyes roamed the entire office. Saya was a pink-haired girl in large waves with sparkling lime-green eyes, radiating a sophisticated aura like someone who came out of a glossy, fashion magazine. Her nails were long and manicured, which led her to think about what kind of quirk she must possess. With such nails, she couldn't be someone who holds a quirk that operates on a frontal assault.

"Thank you for having me, I'm Yaoyorozu Momo."

"Of course, Yaoyorozu-san, Your hero name, Creati is it?"

Momo nodded accordingly, keeping her questions to herself as the woman proceeded to orient her on things. "I'm Saya, I'm kind of like the secretary" Momo did not miss the 'quoting' fingers on secretary. It made her pull up a smile.

Momo skimmed through her schedule, mostly starting at 9 in the morning, pretty convenient for her. Her brows scrunched at the lack of a night schedule. The girl on the other desk noticed the question in her expression, though not as pronounced to be taken as displeasure.

"The men in this agency fight over for the night shift," She answered her quiet question. "Well, mostly because we have a hero here who is adept at night, You'll see him later when he times in, have you heard of Night Raid?"

Momo shook her head.

"He interned here then eventually absorbed, he's pretty good... him and..."

The door slides open to a new face, a pair of piercing silver eyes swept through the room and into them, a white mask over his mouth, he was s simply wearing a red leather jacket and a pair of dark pants. As dark as the mop of his hair. He went past them and into the locker room.

"Is that him?" Momo inquired, to which Saya shook her head.

"That's Satoshi Yoichi. He specializes in stealth. We call him Raven, by the way"

"Good Morning, folks!" An animated voice rolled from the front doors, Momo turned to see another new face. He had a larger build than Raven and was taller too, easier to mistook as intimidating if not for the broad smile splitting his face.

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