An Unplanned Reunion

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🚨 Non-explicit Adult Theme Ahead

"So, Todoroki is clingy?" Jirou concluded twirling her fingers around her jacks after she's told her why she arrived a little later.

Momo nodded hesitantly. The address Uraraka sent her led to a modest neighborhood where Ashido currently lived. The latter left to get them something to eat tagging along Uraraka and Hagakure.

Summer was already upon them and Momo felt compelled to open the balcony window of Ashido's room, the big, silver moon gawking like the sole witness of whatever happens beneath her light. The room was flooded in pink, much like its occupant. Framed evidence of her accomplishments hung proudly on the walls, a huge framed poster from a magazine shoot greeted Momo when she entered the threshold. She gaped at the huge Hello Kitty collection the hero had displayed in a separate room when she toured them around the two-storey house.

Momo expected the heroine to be dwelling someplace flamboyant to match her personality, but a humble neighborhood wasn't bad as well. After all, she wasn't the only heroine who chose the place perfect for reprieve after a long day of patrolling. Kirishima coincidentally, lives in the same neighborhood, only a few blocks away. It pretty much explains why the two became close to the hip, excluding the fact that they attended the same middle school together.

"Why am I not surprised?" The vibrant purple streaks on Jirou's hair glistened under the wash of fluorescent light, lazily slumped on the character bed, sinking in its fluffiness. Asui who finally got a much-needed vacation after being away on high seas was lounging on the pink carpet of the room, flipping a summer-themed magazine.

Momo fairly didn't expect that reaction from her best friend but Jirou had been in within Shouto's proximity to think that she might be true. Even Asui seemed to feel the same.

"Why not?" Her brows furrowed unintelligibly.

"Todoroki-kun isn't exactly subtle, kero." Asui chimed in, sprawled on the floor.

Jirou hummed in agreement. "Ice Prince thought he's overly discreet about, he had no idea every mishap concerning you is well-accounted for." A lopsided grin crossed her face.

"Oh, I had no idea."

"You two idiots are!" Jirou cried out with a roll in her eyes, overly flailing her hands in the air even Asui chuckled. "It was so out in the open everybody notices except, of course, you two..." She crossed her arms, falling back again.

"Well, Momo-chan..." Asui had caught wind of the subject, and without being told grasp the uptake rather quickly. "You don't like it? Todoroki-chan being clingy?"

"I don't think I am...I think it's cute..." She admitted bashfully, widening the smirk on Jirou's face.

"Was this after the punching incident? Because I think Todoprince has always been so obsessed with you. Gone are the days he was once an elusive elite now he's more like a lost pup."

"Kyouka-san!" Momo berated, her frown faded when something came over her. "How did you know about...?"

"About the incident when he punched your co-worker because of something Bakubro refused to say?..." She retorted with no regard to secrecy.

"Bakugou-chan really said that?" Asui mulled over, pressing her index finger on her chin. "Can't imagine him gossiping..."

"I have my ways..." Jirou grinned, playing with her jacks. "So Yaomomo? What actually happened that made lover boy hit another hero in your name? Was it jealousy?" She looked at her knowing the answer in her smirk. Momo wondered if this was the same tactic she used to get the blond to explode, but she couldn't be persuaded.

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