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** 🥰🥰 I'd like to say thank you very much to those people who took a chance on my first fic and also to those who bothered to leave likes. You peeps keep me coming back. 🥰🥰**

Icy mists clung to the bare skin of the explosive hero, and an all too familiar drop of temperature that had made it awful sometimes to crack explosions. That alone made him repulsive of a certain hero who commands ice and fire, prematurely turning whatever season into winter. Not even offering an acknowledgment, the subsequent wide eyes of the blond dolt validated his not-so-guess.

"Whoa, Todoroki, I thought you'd be with the team heading north. Whattya doing here?"

"Midoriya switched with me."

'The audacity,' Bakugou snorted, only the stupid electrician hero would fall for that.

"Where's Creati?"

'And he didn't even step on his brakes.'

"Yaomomo is with Kyouka in the infiltrating team."

"Infiltrating team?"

The conversation cut off when finally an order echoed in their ears. "Chargebolt, Overshadow to the position."

Upon hearing the order the blond jogged away waving a hand.

"See you later Todoroki!"

"Oi, half-and-half," the sandy blond called, "Keep your head in the game." He said shortly, stomping away from the crisp cold radiating from the half-cold hero.


"Stay away from me half-and-half!" Bakugou yelled somersaulting in the air after one unavoidable whiplash of water. He tossed himself further from the high ground with an explosion. "Damn it!" He heard him curse again after barely evading another undulating wave of pressurized water directed at him.

The villain water manipulator employed heavy whips of water on the explosion user while hurling water bombs at him. He could only turn everything into the ice with direct touch but not projectiles. He only did much as to create a wall before it hits him, planting glaciers all over the place that had the blond hero spitting expletives in the air.

Agitation wasn't expensive for the explosion hero, projecting his gauntlet from above, and Shouto knew he was already pissed off after being tossed and volleyed malevolently like a ball.

The stream of water snaked around the villainess like a ferocious shield and was heavily lashing the ground showing off its significant damage. An impeccable display of quirk mastery made terrifying with quirk enhancers.

Screening his eyes over the damp, battlefield, glistening with the spiky edges of his ice, and onto the explosive hero jetting in the air. Shouto then aimed his focus on the impressive water manipulator protected by her waves.

Putting his right leg forward, he summoned an assaulting glacial tide that ravage the path followed by a massive raging inferno of swirling fire shafting towards the villainess. The successive surge of opposing elements built up an impressive display of complete havoc setting around the target, obstructing his view of her.
The female villain countered by conjuring enormous pillars of water twisters jutting fiercely into the night skies and through the infernal waves. Sucking and consuming the wall of blazing fire bursting upwards into the atmosphere like geysers, spouting warm trickles of water while bulldozing the jagged hills of ice nestled on the ground.

Shouto grits his teeth at the appalling ravenous force of nature digging the earth. A quartet of voracious collision of water and fire pillars twisting and devouring everything in its wake. And at the center of it all, the villainess remained untouched and grand, her long, purple hair blowing briskly with the wind.

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