The Hot Springs, A yukata and Sakura

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The gentle breeze of spring swayed the trims of her hair as it shortly brushed her face upon descending the bus. Hugging herself beneath her beige cardigan, she took a few steps to give way to the students behind her. Sae took charge to gather their belongings, dragging her boyfriend to carry most of their baggage.

Drinking in the sight of the Inn of a two-story wood Inn expanding into two wings. The group immediately littered around the breathtaking view of the pond clutching their phones and digital cameras to snap a few pictures. Momo could hear Sae's voice above the abrasive chatter of everyone around her.

Rolling her luggage with her, Sae beamed as she slowly pulled it out of her grasp. "Thank you, Sae-san."

"Yaoyorozu, will you mind if I take a picture with you?" A boy from another block asked her, phone in hand.

"Of course." She politely obliged, brushing away the stray hair that the wind blew.

The boy stood beside her, hardly matching her height.

"Wait, let me just take that away from you!" Sae took her baggage as another boy took the picture. After giving her a brief thanks, the other boy followed next. A much louder voice hovered above the ambient noise, commanding them to gather in front of the inn for a group picture. They all squeezed together as the timed shutter flashed several photos.

"Yaoyorozu! Can we take another photo with you in yukata?"

"Oh. Well. Of course..." Smiling briefly at the boy, who in turn exchanged high-fives with his friends. Sae nudged her on her shoulders.

"Well, someone's popular." Sae sang in her ears.

Momo barely responded when another shot flashed. "For the yearbook.." Natsuki briskly reasoned checking out the photo taken.

"Natsu-kun? Will you be posting them on the school's official page? I want a copy too." Sae asked, slightly annoyed for not being given the heads up.

"Huh?... Yeah..." He absently answered, without looking up. Then stepped away to take a shot of another group. "Geez, makes me wonder why the girls in the art class gush over him, that guy is socially stunted."

A smile curled up Momo's face. It reminded her of someone. "Come now Sae, I would like to see the rest of the resort."


Momo deeply sighed as she slowly dips at the warm water, taking away the chill of the spring. She heard another exhalation beside her and expected it to be Sae but the girl was nowhere to be found.

"S-Saeko-san?" She stammered at the familiar wave of periwinkle hair sticking on the girl's neck. The said girl pried open an eye and spoke as she knew all along she had been there.

"Fancy meeting you here, Yaoyorozu." Her voice held no grudge, and she could see the subtle smirk of her lips. Intelligent eyes turned to her.

'How long has it been since the exam?'

"I haven't forgotten about the exam.." She added on, a much gentler expression than she remembered her wear. She glided in the water, soft ripples on her wake. "Your quirk piques me, so many possibilities, I wonder if you have a brother with the same quirk."

"I...uh...I don't have a brother, unfortunately."

Saeko pulled back, a slightly disappointed.

"Too bad, I'm very much willing to get to know him."

If Momo happened to have a detachable jaw, it would have made its way deep into the mud of the hot spring.

"What about an uncle though? I don't care about the age gap whatsoever.." She pressed on, the subject pulling her away from her consciousness.

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