Almost Winter?

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Fate was playing with him.

The next day when he was supposed to meet Momo, Shouto received a last-minute mission briefing and had to apologetically excuse himself. She just laughed it off and bid him not to worry. Though he knew Momo could handle sleep deprivation just like the folks in their profession, he couldn't help but think about the toll of the lack of sleep on her health. He wasn't even sure if she eats right on time and the fact that her quirk relies on the use of lipids -which was obviously derived from unhealthy food consumption was enough to elevate his worries. He hoped she was given at least a healthy diet while working on the commercial she signed herself.

The briefing lasted longer than he anticipated and the random hero beside him had to ask him if he was alright. More changes have been made to the supposed two days of the mission and had it extended for a week.

Shouto had taken several deep, calming sighs. Counted until ten and refused to check the clock. Until his phone beeped.


We're done early. I just have to make a run for my apartment to fetch a few things. See you later.


Shouto walked out of the briefing room of HPSC alongside other heroes out for the new mission. Consecutive missions with only a day or two worth of rest weren't a rarity with the demanding nature of their job. The pouring of missions was saturated mainly in big cities where most of the biggest hero agencies were located and so was the newly established HPSC headquarters. It was there where chart-topping pro-heroes were gathered for large-scale missions, or for briefing granular missions all at the same time.

The partly congested hallway began to cram as heroes and administrative staff emerged from adjacent briefing rooms.

He was adamant to get this mission over and done, after all, he nearly spent four weeks traveling between wards before this new mission.

For weeks he wrestled with his thoughts, second-guessing when could be the right time to ask her. He wanted to hear some opinions on the matter but, couldn't get himself to open up to heroes he barely knew.

Rounding into a corner where an elevator waits, he almost bumped into the feral face of no other than Bakugou who apparently share the same route.

The two continued their ways without properly acknowledging the other.

Shouto registered a low hiss from the explosive blond as they walked in at the same time, getting pushed further inside as heroes continuously barged in. Bakugou suffered in silence as the elevator began to cramp, forcing them separately into the corners. He huffed in grumpy satisfaction as the doors began to close.


"AARGGHHH!! WHAT NOW?!" Bakugou grunted low dissatisfied groans echoed as a hand stopped the ride.

"I'm sorry!"

A bush of green hair squeezed into the crowded elevator, muttering silent apologies, as he lowly scanned the crowd of heroes, eventually finding him further in the back. Said pro-hero mouthed his name in acknowledgment before adjusting to the stocked vehicle.

As they exited the perimeters, Midoriya jogged up to him and was most likely to catch up.

"Todoroki-kun! It's been a while isn't it?"

"Weeks isn't a while, Deku!"

"Oi! Kaachan! Didn't see you there! Here for a mission too?"

"Take a guess, nerd." Marching ahead of them. Suddenly a chance flashed in his head. He stopped in his tracks as the green-haired hero followed suit.

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