To Do or Not to Do

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Bakugou was fed up.

On what was supposed to be a day he'd rather spend making do of his quirk, he had allowed himself to be dragged around by the plain-faced, tape-dispelling Sero, who's currently enjoying playing cards with the blond dullard of the same abysmal I.Q, much to his chagrin.

The said hero had been injured from his last mission, an arm and a leg fully wrapped in bandages, which, in his keen sight, looked just perfectly fine. The trio, which was a raccoon, tape, and the dunce, could summon chaos in one seating. Another loud whining from the dunce's face, after horribly losing again in what Bakugou called a stupid child's game.

He grunted. Why he was still here was beyond him. He focused on his phone.

"Ow! Man! That's the third time already!" Dunce Face threw his losing set of cards, wincing instantly as he did.

"This is why I love playing with ya!" Raccoon face flashed a face-splitting grin, stretching and cracking her knuckles. "You suck!" She followed up with a burst of jesting laughter.

The tape manipulator shuffled the cards grinning like a fool. Oh, how he so wanted to smack that face!

"It'll be fun! Bakugou!"

'It'll be fun, he said.'

His frown reached a depth of extreme pressure as he stared the three down.

'This room is full of heroes. Are they living in a much more peaceful era where even heroes have the luxury of enjoying themselves? To enjoy their free time like any civilians?"

"Just be grateful you're injured, or you'll be shuffling the cards thrice already." Plain face started throwing in the cards. And his gear started whirring again if bringing gambling cards into hospitals was prohibited and getting caught with these three would soil his records. An easy frown. He hadn't thought about it until now.

"Oi!" He called out, veering the trio's attention at him, scowling, he continued. "You dipshits better be on your last game or I'm out of here!"

The pink heroine dared to sneer at him, her lips pulled in protest. "Whatever, grandpa!"

"Whattya say raccoon face!"

A loud 'whoops' came off the mummified dunce, snickering while suppressing a howl. "Dynabro here is trippin' because his rivals are getting love.." The lightning hero hugged himself with his able hand, duck-faced into the air. Sero had the decency to not indulge the said hero.

"You want another limb in bandages, dunce face! I'll be more than happier to give you another!" He cracked his knuckles. Sero was quick to interfere.

Ashido plucked out her phone, big, golden eyes glimmered in the bright lights of her phone screen. "Say, Bakugou, have you seen the article about Deku and Ochako?" She asked, her high-pitched voice grating his ears.

He relaxed from the tape face's grip, face still in displeasure. "Like I give a flying flip!"

She simply ignored him. Kaminari squeezed in to peer at the screen, but her pink face moved closer to accommodate his injured ass.

"It says here that Deku and Uravity kissed while afloat in an arcade store in Osaka..." She giddied, swooning over the article like a lovesick crackhead. Tape face paced to pry as well. "Finally! Their relationship is out of the shadows!"

He sat back, while dunce face 'phewed'.

"Everybody knows Midoriya and Uraraka are already a thing, Ashido..." Kaminari said sagely. "I thought you were the queen of gossip? You're forgetting about my bro Todoroki!" With a hand on his waist, the blond idiot smirked proudly.

She squealed. "Him too!!!" Bouncing off the bed.

"Whoa, didn't know Todoroki had someone in sight, too." The tape hero looked over the article the mummified blond was searching for.

"Oh! Who's that?!" He pointed to the screen after the injured blond's finger stopped on an article. "Ask Bakubro" his blond brows wiggled expecting a response from him.

His scowl was back. "Ask about what?!" He rolled his eyes when the blond motioned for him to come closer. Begrudgingly, he stomped towards the cramped hospital bed. He glowered over the article, and his expression worsened. "That's dumb!" He barked.

"You knew her?"

"That's the chic who worked with us on our last mission, half-and-half probably doesn't care about her, so that article is worth nothing but the trash!"

Pink face squished through. "Nah! Bakubro's right, there's no way Todoroki would get together with a girl he just knew..." shaking her head in negation. "But this!..." She adduced her phone before the three.

"What the!?"

"Isn't that..?!"

Raccoon face hugged her phone close to her chest. "It's Yaomomo!" She tilted on her axis, like a prima ballerina.

It was a photo of the two from different angles, Momo and Todoroki in front of a restaurant presumably for a dinner date. And the one that had been circulating and driving the fantards crazy wild. Bakugou had known of the news because he's a fcking legend who knows everything. His initial reaction.

"It's a hell of a fcking time."

He grumbled, interest expired. The three huddled around the phone reading more of the article when alien face's phone dinged with a new notification. Tapping curiously, a new article stunned the three. Against his better judgment, it made him curious as to what successfully shut the three up.

He reached for his mobile phone and checked, kept himself updated about anything about heroes, tapping the blue notification icon. It sent him to yet another gossip portal, much to his annoyance.

Reading the headlines, he simply rolled his eyes.

He heard Tape face mutter. "Todoroki is so popular for his own good."

"That's pretty hard to believe..." Dunce face added, "Just look at the angle, my bro isn't a two-timing prick! And he barely looks at the girl."

The three were caught up, scrolling for more, "This angle made it look like the girl was whispering something.."

"How sure are you two that's Todoroki? He's covered.."

"You dumbass! This girl looks like the girl from the news.."

Annoyed at their idiotic theories and easily believing some random stories stitched up by some overanalyzing, got-nothing-to-do, fcker, Bakugou rasped, "You lil' shits knew halfie is too dense to hold a conversation with a girl with social acumen..."

His hawkish gaze pinned them in place. "That shit is trash!"

The room felt like some royal divinity passed by.

It was the Alien Queen who broke the silence by rising from the cramped bed.

"Say, Bakugou..." She stepped closer to him, hand on her chest. He backed away as she closed in, looking steadily at him.

The twist of his mouth overturned.

"..didn't know you shipped TodoMomo.."

"The fcks TodoMomo?!"

He stared back at the white ceiling.

Never did he imagine he'd find himself struggling. He always thought it came off easily, the confessing. Well, it did seem easy when he pictured the odd and kind of dumb Kaminari around Jirou. Now he understood why Midoriya took a while to go out with Uraraka. Because confessing was fcking' (if he had to annotate Bakugou) hard.

He realized that he'd rather battle a villain head-on than find himself scrambling for words and making himself a fool in front of Momo.

'Does everyone feel like this? When they confess?'

He lacked the tact, he knew that. That he was blunt way back in UA. And how badly he wanted to be just that, now. Straight on telling her he likes her. But wouldn't that sound robotic?

Momo deserved more than a robotic, apathetic confession from him.

He felt so dumb.

He had been rolling around his bed, his mind reeling back on that particular moment.

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