Meeting Royals

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"My! You should make suit your everyday clothes, You look amazing!" Her face was clear and blooming as he turned around from his reflection to her. With a few inches taller, their height differences reminded him of high school. Momo brushed off the phantom creases on his shoulders then ran her palms to his chest, tapping on nonexistent dust.

'As if she wasn't herself', he thought.

Red seemed to flawlessly complement her complexion, but for tonight's event, she donned a black classic number, with all the stars dispersed on the fabric hugging her every curve. He averted his gaze as he shushed the mischievous mutterings that found this very moment fitting to do something inappropriate.

She flattered him with a smile, her slim fingers sliding to settle on the nook of his arms.

"Are you nervous?"

"Not really."

It's not like he could tell her in the face the thoughts that go around, "'I am about to meet your parents again tonight and I don't know if I can look them in the eyes without being nagged by the fact that I'm sleeping with their only daughter out of wedlock."

"You'd do well, Shouto, you're the sexiest bachelor in town."

'He what?'

Smilingly, she tugged him further out of her apartment when he was about to question the notion.

Shouto always found himself in mental awe every time he discovered something new about the Yaoyorozu's. When their ride smoothly swept and rolled them out of the city and into an environment surrounded by prolific forestry. Amid the clump of the indistinguishable ruffled crown of trees sat a dominating dome-like structure that looked a lot more like an arena than just a convention center, alight with the sheath of laser light waving towards the night sky.

He had gone this route so many times before for missions and even had the opportunity to go undercover in the very dome structure. From what little he could remember, it was a resort, a humongous one at that, its structure so unlike the upstate buildings within the city. He had no inkling of the idea that her family owned the magnificent structure. Internally shrinking at how their social differences progressed into something he couldn't find words of description.

However, the woman beside him did not possess elevated airs an average citizen would generally expect from someone who belonged to the topmost pyramid of societal status. And probably even his self-made, old man rarely gets an invitation to such opulent occasions.

Unconsciously, his grip tightened around her smaller fingers.

"Don't think much about it." She reassured, returning his touch. "I know you hardly made public social appearances, and I am grateful for doing this for me. I just want you to meet the rest of my family."

Several cars drove past theirs, headlights momentarily highlighting the features of her face. He had no excuse to brush stray bangs off her face as her hair was gathered in a pristine, elegant bun. Precious stones made her all the more enticing and expensive to the eyes. He badly wanted to remove his tux and hang it over her chest where an inviting deep V plunged stopping just above her belly button.

"You're so lucky I love you." He said quietly.

"I know."

The couple passed beneath the digital billboard showcasing Creati's face.

The vicinity was alive and lit with scattered vibrant lights playing alongside the ambient music.

And Momo never felt so exposed her whole life. She wasn't used to seeing her face on every corner of the building. Much more of the widescreen featuring a blow-up of her face. She pressed herself closer to his arms, sending small smiles and small nods along the way upon recognition. This experience was so unlike the one she had with Uwabami. For that stint, she wasn't the star of the show.

"Mo-chan!" a woman greeted, smiling radiantly in all likelihood, at them. Eyes smiling as she came near, hers were a pair of very dark blue, much like Momo's dad. Hair that wasn't as dark as Momo's. They kinda give off a reddish flare once the light hits her hair. His little observation condensed into one hypothetical statement: She was from Momo's father's side of the family.

"It's so good to see you!" Pausing just a step away, "You're so gorgeous!" Moving in closer to grabbing her hand, her eyes then trailed from her and up to the man beside her.

"My loveliness! Is this Shouto-san?" As though enthralled, she stuck her hand out for a quick and firm shake of his hand, to which he (stunned with her familiarity) accepted. "It's such a pleasure to finally meet you! I'm Kaori, Momo's only girl cousin."

Shouto slowly offered his respects as he usually observed Momo. "The... pleasure is mine as well..."

"You're too sweet!" every flexible skin on her face crinkled with honest appreciation, "But I'd rather have you kiss my knuckles instead."

"Kaori-chan!" Momo appeared to be chiding her cousin but was also amused by the playfulness of the woman.

"What? Why not? I'm groomed to be a lady." Pouting at her raven-haired cousin, "Just kidding! I may have spent a lot of time around Granny I picked up her ladylike tendencies," winking at Shouto, "You may have the best of luck to meet Sonja Yaoyorozu tonight, Shouto-san..."

He suddenly felt his pulse ram slightly a bit.

Excitedly the cousin grabbed Momo by the arm, and his girlfriend made a conflicted expression between holding on to him or letting her cousin drag her somewhere. Taking the matter at hand, he mouthed 'he'll be fine', at the force of her cousin, her grip loosened as her face contorted slightly of discomfort.

"We won't take long Shouto-san! I need her backstage!"

"I...uh...yes..." He hopelessly mumbled, feeling slowly out of place in such a wide room surrounded by men and women in suits and flowing dresses. He sought a corner from where he could wallow in isolation. He could always look for Momo.

"Excuse me," a soft, feminine voice held him back from leaving. When he turned around he was met by a woman in deep, green hair fashioned in huge waves. A stem of champagne in her clothed hand. She smiled evenly upon fully seeing his face. "You're Shouto right," sticking her arm out which he briefly took for a handshake, "I'm Kaname Inoue," she smiled so sweetly anyone would think he knew her, which he had no clue who she was. "It's impossible to mistake you for someone else, with the hair know?" She sipped with acquired finesse from her glass.

'Oh.' He held his hand from cupping the sizeable scar that took over half of his face.


"Would you mind sitting with us? My friends would love to meet the Shouto." She gestured to a VIP table setting which explained this woman was no ordinary guest.

"I...I'm waiting for someone..." Was his polite excuse but to no avail.

"Hmmm. Very well then, you can sit with us while you wait..."


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