A Lunch to Date

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Despite her ardent efforts to maintain her unmitigated attention on the speech she had been working on, the disturbing feeling of being stared at bore into her, shaking her out of focus. It turned out her initial plan to seek solace in the library flopped and she now had to endure a morning being ogled at.

Withdrawing at her task, she carefully tucked back her sheet along with the rest of the papers she had brought along. She had always been a figure in the library, but ever since her morning began, she couldn't help but wonder at the noticeably odd stares and whispers happening around her.

She dedicated her hours to writing her speech, which was supposed to be just a walk in the park, but the ogling was already getting on her nerves. Getting off her seat and passing through the cramming first-years, the whispers magically stopped. With a swish of her ponytail, she pulled the door open, and the sibilant noise filled the dead silence of the enclosure meant for undisturbed studying.

Momo now knew she couldn't make use of her free time if she remained within the school grounds. She felt like she'd turned everyone into buzzing bees, shutting down only at her approach. Great. Considering the number of times it happened around her presence, she's a hundred percent sure it had something to do with her.

Whatever it was they knew that she hadn't, she had better not acknowledge it. She didn't want her day ruined by some unreliable gossip shows. It's already done its job.

"Yaoyorozu-senpai!" A sophomore boy in rimmed glasses sprinted towards her, distinguishable by the lanyard around his neck.

She stopped in her tracks while the boy was flustered from all the running, and was gasping for air.

"I would like to.. ask about the...news."

Talk about the things she'd rather not hear.

"Are they...true?.." He shyly averted her gaze. ".. the thing about.."

She blinked.

'What thing?'


The student assistant left her spot at the information desk and hurried towards them. The boy lowered his head to the brick flooring.

The girl pulled the boy away, visibly scolding the boy for being upfront. She gawked at the two. Should she wait for him to finish or should she just leave it at that?

The two discreetly threw her furtive glances. The girl appeared to be reprimanding the bespectacled boy.


Momo at first thought she was hearing things, but pivoting to the voice, there was the sight again, tunneling and drawing her gaze at him.

Tripping in her own words, she mumbled. "S-s...Todoroki-san?!"

'What is happening?'

Shouto began emerging in her life as of late, but not a single thread of her sanity was against it. In fact, she's reveling, internally. His consistency had all her reservations and doubts went down the drain. Just yesterday, he had her wondering, had her in the flurry of uncertainties, of things she had difficulty overcoming. Just a moment of him standing there made her forget what made her cry last night.

'What is his mere presence doing to her? And on an important note, why is he here?'

'Had he told her he'd be visiting her today at school? And by any chance, her fuzzy senses last night tuned it out?'

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