Just a Family Affair

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"I know you've taken a peek, Shou..." Her lips tugged into a sensual grin he had never seen on her before, but nothing close to undesirable. Ashamedly so, it seems the aspects of his entirety welcome this provocative version of Momo, donning the accursed figure-hugging suit that had been plaguing his day and night dreams.

"I uh-" He visibly gulped, eyes unblinking at her fingers teasing, thumbing the golden trinket that fastens the zipper together. The uncharacteristic sensuous sheen of her obsidian eyes sent him forbidden secrets best unraveled, alone, with each other, paralyzing him breathless in place.

Two conflicting thoughts simultaneously vexed him between running and staying and see where this moment leads to, both boring and grinding justifications of why he should and shouldn't. It was a tough division of interests if it had been somebody else, a response of refusal is at hand. But this is Momo. A woman way out of every man's league. Or his league.

But she is his.

His rational self begs him to not be easily swayed by perversion, but the inebriated, poorly-muffled voice at the back of his head is more engaging and vigorous. Incessantly whispering in his ears that numb and dumb him.

Her peachy lips maintained a cheeky tug as her fingers dragged the golden device down, in an agonizing slow motion. He felt his self-control slowly slipping away just as his breathing does and, for the life of him, why is he waiting?

"You thought I didn't know?" she grinned.

The rows of teeth that fastened the leather splintered apart, almost in a jerk, after firmly confining her ample breasts underneath that tight fabric, rolling further down, leaving the sable garment dangling stiffly above her skin.

"I didn't mean to... I uh..." And suddenly, it had been a task to breathe. He gulped. "I'm sorry."

Her eyes cast down as though in sympathy bringing a warm palm to his right cheek. He leaned on it, dearly seeking her touch. "You didn't have to," Her warm breath grazed the flesh on his lips, pushing herself closer to share his warmth. "...I'm yours remember."

That is all it took.

There's no stopping him from claiming her lips. He wanted her. So badly, he threw away his restraints and cautions, his self-control, giving in to her sweet seduction.

'He's mine.' Her words played on repeat, breaking through his walls of doubts and apprehension. His mortal desire for her burned like an insatiable fire, as his passion driven-hands inspect the off-limits bits of her.

It dawned on him that if given the chance, he'll definitely not refuse.


Something with weight whacked him flat on his face, causing him to blink an eye open. He immediately noticed, through his sleep-hazed vision, the stray pillow resting beside his head, blinking at it for a second, before sliding then to the bummed morning face of his brother. Indifferent to his brother's obvious snarling, he rose to a relaxed sitting position, rubbing the sleep off of his eyes.

'A dream. Again.' His shoulders droop, exasperatedly planting his gaze unseeingly on a corner. The fourth, in exact. And for the fourth time that week, he felt the same sinking feeling. And for four days, he was having an unspeakable record of dreams featuring his girlfriend and him in scenes, which as formerly stated, he'd rather not speak. They were disgracefully suggestive and provided instant discomfort upon revival. It all felt like betraying her trust.

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