Tic-tac-toe To You

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The only solution Shouto could come up with after Uraraka's not-so-helpful advice was to clear things with Momo. He wouldn't allow again what happened three years ago. Letting her wallow in her understanding of things, and end up with a decision either of them would regret.

So here he was, earlier than his usual shift, waiting outside the gates of Momo's apartment.

"Do you remember what happened... three years ago?"

"What about it?"

"After you hold her hand?"

He thought about it.

"The boys talked me about it.. then Jirou.."

"No! Not that! Did Yaoyorozu-san ever talk to you..?"

Her eyes were puffy.

And her bags were too saggy to even conceal.

She looked paler than paper.

And she had to attend their graduation rehearsal. Despite the disaster that's looking back at her, she picked the darkest of her glasses and set off for her morning routine The onslaught of raging emotions beat her to sleep last night, and she regretted exploding into tears as she did. Now she's a walking mess.

She let her hair down just in case she needed to curtain her face from any worried-looking eyes. Keys rattling, she locked the door and faced the rising sun. Her eyes were sore, too sore every blink reminded her of the pain last night.

She traversed the roadside, walking almost in shame, unaware of the cab just waiting on the other side of the street.


Her heart felt like it tripped itself. Just the sound of his voice had her inside fluttering.

She didn't show any signs of stopping, instead, it only made her double up her pacing.

"Momo wait!"

She could tell he was jogging towards her, and it only bolstered the necessity to run.

'Why would you be running, Momo?'

She ran walk, almost tripping at the way her legs shook.


A firm grip on her forearms halted her attempts of running as she was met with the most beautiful pair of eyes she had ever seen. He looked disheveled as well, but that didn't mean he was any less attractive.

She evaded the concern in his mismatched eyes.

"I'm running late for school Todoroki-san." She said not even bothering to wonder how was he here at this early hour.

'You filthy liar Momo, what would you do at school in early hours like this?'

"I... I got us a ride.."

'I got us a ride'

Wasn't that how it all started? She fought back the urge to swoon at the gesture or at the all too vivid memory of him finding her at that waiting shed.

She was getting tired of swooning then crying, then swooning again... then crying...

Without another word, she motioned to the cab waiting. Never said anything as he opened the door for her. And she refused to meet his eyes, now that they were closer for him to notice. She sat coolly on the other side of the cab, an arm's length from him.

"Is... everything alright?"

Of course. He'll ask. He's probably wondering why all of a sudden she's acting like a stranger after parting amicably yesterday.

"I'm fine. Just a bit dizzy. That's all."


"Didn't sleep well last night..." And to swerve him away of the possible reasons, she added. "I had to memorize my speech... for the... ceremony... you know... kinds of stuff..."

"Are you sure...it has nothing to do with the...photos."

'Just right to the sore spot...'

"What photos?" She denied, she wouldn't bother him with her silly one-sided affection.

"You know... those with.."

She cut him halfway. "I haven't heard or read about it...like I said, I was deep in my speech."

"But you looked...upset."

"I'm not. Why would I?" Her neck felt stiff from all the efforts she was exerting to avert his gaze, but unfortunately, it only gave the young man a good side view of her swollen eyes.

"You've been... crying.."

His calm statement of the obvious made her even angrier.

She bit her lips in contained anger, "I'm fine."

"Momo..." He called out ever so softly, it'll extinguish the flaming anger in her chest.

'What is she even upset about? It's not like they have some kind of special connection that will warrant her cold disposition toward him. She has no right. At all.'

"Momo... You're doing it again... Talk to me."

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