A Woman on a Mission

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Shouto had known for a while that he wasn't the same ----at least compared to his past teenage self, and admittedly, he had not limited his drastic impulses when it involved Momo Yaoyorozu.

Momo on the other hand, scarcely showed affection while at work, or in private. Surprisingly, it had always been him, who clung to her most of the time. It was on special occasions he knew, she would take the initiative. That was why when a random message informing him of her presence at Endeavor's had him flying the streets, right after dealing with a porcupine villain. That pretty much explained the scratches on his face.

He only cared less about who was looking or whoever was around. With Momo, everything was fuzzy.

"Shouto, I may need to use the powder room," He blinked, then looked around the wide, populated part of the mall then at the nine-year-old girl clutching Momo's hand. "Will you mind if I leave Hiyori-chan?"

He wasn't sure himself but his head nodded before he could suggest he could wait for her outside the powder room and not be left in front of the suspecting populace. While he was doubting the efficiency of his disguise, Momo already left with her back vanishing in the crowd. He spent the minute searching for her to notice and panicked for a millisecond when Hiyori wasn't standing by his side, only to let out a breath of relieved sigh seeing she situated herself comfortably at the available benches.
He already had done child sitting before, and this was no different, well except that Hiyori was well-behaved and polite.

Taking the space inches away from her, he waited, trying as much as possible not to draw attention.

"Hello, Shouto-san."

He had heard the voice before, and despite the effort, he invested in hiding behind a disguise, and the fact that no one sat beside him except for the girl, Shouto was made aware she was referring to him. Grumbling to himself about what had gone wrong to still being found out. He upturned to the face he recalled seeing not so long ago. He was about to pay the girl some sort of polite regard when she spoke again.

"I see you're finally alone," Her voice was soothing and calming in an enticing way, wiling him to do anything by request, without the possibility of negation. He noticed at the corner of his eye the same dazed expression of Hiyori, staring unblinkingly at the woman. A crooked smile rode on her lips as he allowed her to momentarily pull down his glasses to peer at his eyes. "It is you." Her voice was impossibly softer and silkier, drowning the ambient noise and murmurs of the crowded place.


She shushed him, gathering his right hand to hook with hers. A red alarm blared in the back of his mind, screaming and alarming to stop his impossibly compliant body from heeding the words that flow out of her mouth. Desperately, his other hand reached for Hiyori's as the woman led them out of the department and into the parking lot towards her waiting car.

They halted at some point in the lot.

"I want you to be obedient tonight..." She pointed her hazel eyes at him, her cornea thinning into a slit akin to that of a predatory cat. Through blurred vision, his gaze focused on her voice and the sluggish motion of her mouth speaking to him. The more her voice lingered the more he seem to fall into a quagmire of confusion. And like being yanked out of the darkness, he heard her clearly again, "No quirks okay, for maybe an.. hour?" Smirking, she put on a metal bracelet around his wrist. "Just to be sure..." She winked before dragging him with her.

It rang repeatedly inside his head like making an imprint of the command. And he dazed off somewhere inside his head, the words bouncing consistently. Drowning the small and sane screaming consciousness of him.

'No.' His mind could only yell but nothing outside his head has registered the warning scream. His body strode the path as she led him to her waiting car, all while keeping her hand around his. It came onto him, he was in some sort of quirk enchantment and was helpless to fight it.

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