An Obligatory Dance (part 1)

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2nd Year, September, Fall

"I think you should ask her, Momo, to the dance."


He only needed his sister's assistance in choosing a suit for him, because out of thin air, UA, unexpectedly found it fit to arrange a ball for its students. Which of course, caused a stir among the majority of the male population.

He draws in a sharp breath, as he already has the answer to the ridiculous request, but a part of him considers the idea.

"I don't know if that's a possibility."

"C'mon Shouto, you're 16, and she seems nice, Mom even likes her."

His mother had been one to find Yaoyorozu not only pleasing to the eye but as a person as well. It took just a minute of introduction, and it turned out to be the culmination of his siblings' apparent liking for the aforementioned raven-haired girl.

"Do you really think so? I'm fine going alone."

He hears her take the same depth of air.

"You're pretty devoid of tact, just ask her if she's willing, nobody is going to get hurt. And also, the two of you are drawn to each other. I must say, seeing you two avoiding eye contact is like a sliver of hope during those dark times."

'Her sliver of hope?'

His even pulse took a slight leap when his sister pointed out that he's been avoiding eye contact with the said girl. "I'm not... we're not..."

He eases with a sigh realizing he poured a lot of emotion than necessary.

"I had no idea that a simple introduction with Yaoyorozu would provoke such expectations off of you nee-san, but Yaoyorozu and I are classmates, we are nowhere close as we speak."

"Who wouldn't? You two seem to gravitate around each other like there's a massive pull of magnetism between you two which you weren't aware of. Too strong to ignore."

"You watch a lot of drama."

"I'm not!" It is a half-hearted denial. "And also, I don't remember implying you date her as a potential romantic interest, it had been you who were putting such ideas."

His brows knitted at the egregious accusation because whichever angle he sees it, his sister seems to suggest that which in turn leads him to think that she wanted him to see Yaoyorozu as something more than they are now.

"I'm just asking if you could help me pick a suit, not a girl to ask."

An audible huff of air. "I'm sorry, guess I'm just too excited, it's a dance after all."


"Is Saturday fine?"



Sunday came with a force.

His newly bought suit hangs securely and nicely in his room and while he was anything but anxious, the male populace of his class begged to differ. Though more than enough of the class are capable of providing themselves a suit. There are still some who grabbed the opportunity opened by the students from support class, and subjected themselves to fitting and suiting up for half the price( as opposed to what was offered outside the school grounds). (Apparently, there was an unspoken rivalry between the business and support courses. The business course ruled out and got the reins for organizing the said social activity which the support strongly fought for spearheading, but...)

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