All I Need, What I need

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* So here's the final chapter for this arc 😘. Congratulations on making it this far.

News travels fast, and so are rumors.

After spending nearly a week in the hospital, Shouto hadn't caught up with the latest news. Not even updates from his previous mission. But if there's one thing he was certain of, the news stays. Especially hot gossip. The latter he hardly paid attention for none of them concerned him.

Momo has taken her time fixing herself and so while he waits, he decided to scroll through his feed, introducing himself to what he might have missed. Mentally scrutinizing 'read-worthy' headlines from the 'news' he inwardly considers trash. Agreeing in silence for his colleague's accomplishments. One should give credit where it is due.

It had been known that he hardly showed interest in gossip but... anything with Momo stirs his curiosity. Compared to the rest of their class, Momo had just joined the hero force so she hardly appears as a hot subject to be swarmed with gossip, except for when another more famous name was attached to her name. But Shouto believed it wasn't the case now, now that their relationship was in the open. Besides, Momo was charismatic... and likable. If there were any gossip about her, then it was certainly about him, too. What else ticks the majority of followers than the private life of their favorite celebrities (Not that he wanted to consider himself one, but, needless to say, he was pretty popular, too)

And there was certainly no way he'll be interested in any of those...(except of course, if it has Momo. Momo is certainly the only exception.)

It was an understatement to say he did expect his name next to Momo, but...

He felt his mood tilted to the worst side of the bed at the accompanying photo that came with the headline. The photo was taken days ago. He counted. And when he wasn't wary of the world. His grip on his phone was unnecessarily strong. Followed by another set of photos with the raven guy holding two cups of steaming grande in both hands. He quite remembered he had the same cups for when he last picked Momo from her agency.

Shouto wasn't some novice hero not to recognize that the Raven guy was pretty popular too. There are photos of them taken on different days judging their clothes.

His grave expression worsened. Until....

This particular shot was from a coffee shop. But he knew better than to jump to conclusions. Besides, with the way Bakugou was scowling, this wasn't a romantic date. He does have a few snapshots where he was caught smirking but Shouto did not resort to thinking it was something malicious.

But the Raven guy bothered him. By a lot.

He caught himself drifting into thinking the worse. And what's even worst was, that he was getting worked up over some frivolous, gossip news. News supported by photos.

Briskly and with heightened necessity, he dragged his phone across the chabudai to the other end. He then ran his palms over his face. Terrified.

'What on earth was happening to him? He should probably stay away from the Internet.'

The sliding door to the living room opens, revealing a work-ready and smiling Momo.

"I hope I didn't bore you from waiting," she greeted.


The slight shake in his voice has taken her interest and immediately darted her gaze to his seemingly neglected and ostracized phone.

"Did some news bother you?" She asked softly in concern, "May I?" she asked to which he answered with a short nod. Bending low on her knees to pick up his phone, Momo unlocked it without any trouble. Sighing at the news when the screen glowed.

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