Fragile and Pretty like a Stained Glass

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The days passed by like a breeze, and while she was marching the streets to her agency, she took the moment to bask in the air of late spring.

Despite not having remarkable encounters with her former partner, maybe the almost brawl with Bakugou or him apologizing later, she believed she somehow managed to earn his respect judging the way he acknowledged her. It even surprised Saya when she heard him one time calling her given name, it almost got her into the hot seat when the secretary sat her about it, barely dodging it with the same reason the hero told her. Her last name was a mouthful.

She didn't think the girl believed her, it was evident enough at the way she snuck her a glance whenever the hero was around. It would be in Momo's best interest if she shuts down the silent teasing of the girl by telling her she's currently in a classified relationship with someone. It didn't help the secrecy of their relationship when a random sighting of the popular hero on the same apartment block splashed harmlessly on the news front page.

A pile of letters in random colors and sizes landed on her desk just after she got out of her patrol. Looking up, Saya winked at her as she entered their bosses' office.

"You're gaining popularity." A voice rolled behind her.

"And in just a matter of a month!" A livelier one jumps in, getting a handful of the letters. "Oh! This one is scented..."

"This one has an odd sticker on it..." A thinly gloved hand lifted one of the strewn letters, glaring oddly at the odd shifts of colors on the sticker.

Raven and Night Raid were back at being partners again and just got in after she ended her shift.

"They're probably from the children." She intoned, fascinated by the colorful images drawn on one of the envelopes. Momo opened one of the letters and wasn't disappointed at the rather long letter of admiration for her and her quirk. Immersed in the letter she was reading, She didn't notice Hideo discreetly nudging Satoshi back to his senses after seemingly tuning in at her display of happiness.

"I volunteered to educate a class of elementary students about heroes a day ago." She explained to no one, in particular, gazing skeptically at the furrowed glance the two men gave each other when she lifted her vision. Hideo pulled away, forcing a smile on her way.

"For now it'll be just the kids..." He said. "Wait after a few months, you'll be getting love letters."

"L-love letters?!" She gushed, for a moment she thought the hero was just joking but his follow-up had her thinking otherwise.

"Satoshi had also, but he rarely read fan mails, but Saya there..." He pointed at the vacated desk. "We have to help filter out her mails, there are even stalker threats, she could take care of herself but considering these stalkers could be quirked as well, we have to take extra precautionary measures."

"Is that one of the reasons you voiced out you'd pair up with her?" Satoshi piped in blandly.

"What? No of course not!"

The hero with the darker shade of hair hummed, not a hint of inclination to the retort.

"But you've gotten closer after a month of being paired."

"Of course, we would! We're both a pair of individuals who love socializing... unlike you!"

The raven-haired male gazed with a look that says 'I'm not'.

"Do not hesitate to tell me if you ever receive one of those malicious letters."

The offer was unusual coming from a guy she barely exchanged breaths with. But she wasn't the type to pin judgments either.

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