A Wedding + Extras (pt. 2)

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"Yaomomo! You made it!"

"Where's Shouto?"

"Looking for Ice prince already? He went off somewhere, he'll be back, but you have to change first."

Jirou dragged her in a rush to the room where the bride was being prepped. The door to the room was wide opened to accommodate them walking in to the bubbly pink girl all donned up. Her golden moth eyes brightened with surprised happiness at their intrusion. Momo bowed briskly upon entrance at the stunned group of makeup artists scattered around the room.


"Ashido-san" Her pink arms enveloped her in a welcoming embrace before releasing to gaze at her possibly unkempt raven hair. "You look marvelous!" Momo gushed in an impossibly soft voice, drinking in the image of her female athletic friend in a wedding gown and then at the meticulously arranged bouquet of pink and white roses sitting beautifully amid the pretty chaotic surface of the dresser. Enhanced by the bulbs lining the frame of the dresser.

"Thank you, Yaomomo!"

"How are you feeling, Ashido-san?" Taking in the cold touch of her fingers when their skin touched.

"Nervous. Happy..." the bride replied almost hesitantly. "...but mostly happy."

"Kirishima-san will take good care of you. I'm sure of that..."

"I hate interrupting your little reunion but Yaomomo has to change first."

Momo rolled her eyes as Jirou moved her again by the wrist and planted her on a seat, gesturing at a girl.

"Glam her up." She heard her say, hands weighing on her shoulders. The sound heroine vanished from her back replaced by the girl taking a bunch of her hair to comb.

"Hello, Creati-san, it's a pleasure to meet you."


"Yaomomo's here."

Jirou having sent Momo to get ready strutted back to the garden, and instantly saw the distinctive mop of red and white. He, as he always did had his mask of indifference on, following the unruly green-hair of Midoriya in occupying their seats. Halting on his steps at the sight of her.

"Where is she?" Todoroki's unwitting display of affection for the girl was expected, comical even. It never failed to elicit a chuckle and a snort. She believed that with the mutual innocence of the pair, she wouldn't even be surprised if Momo got married before her. The guy had it hard for her best friend.

"She's with the bride-" She hardly finishes speaking when he brushed past her without warning, determined to overlook the days he missed her. "You can't disturb them now, Ice prince, they're prepping your girlfriend."

She caught sight of the brisk downturn of his lips that briefly soiled his face, a few seconds showcasing his displeasure before his face went blank again. With a moment to spare, he briefly sighed and turned his back without a word leaving her somewhat awe-stricken.


The guests began occupying their seats after a short notice that the ceremony was about to begin. From the entrance, Shouto overheard quiet commands as the bridesmaids lined up at the back. He craned his head to look over the towering heads for someone with long, raven hair. His view was blocked by Tetsutetsu who stood beside Jirou. His chances dwindled as the archway was cleared and the march was to begin. The guests hushed as the soothing melodious music began to play. He caught glimpse of Kirishima nervously pulling the sleeve of his tuxedo, (he probably would be too), Bakugou even had to nudge him back to reality at how he spaced out staring beyond the queue of cocktails and suits.

His attention rounded from the altar and back to the entryway, the spot was empty of the heads that were once there, waiting still for the familiar midnight hair.

If it weren't for the small smile she directed at him, Shouto never would have recognized Momo with her hair fixed in a French bun. Her iconic and classic bangs were impeccably curled in waves. But her cat-like, obsidian eyes have given away her angelic aura. She waved sparingly at him, not wanting to attract attention as she sat on the last row of seats, far from him.

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