One Rainy Evening

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A Day in Yaoyorozu's Life

Three years.

Three long, grueling years of extended pursuit of knowledge.

The Heroes Public Safety Commission funded a scholarship for students excelling in academics, from ten meticulously selected hero academies around Japan, and Momo earned herself a spot.

"Dynamight-san, is it true that you're dating Maboromicamie?"

Momo's grip on her chopsticks tensed. Seeing her former classmates almost regularly made her forget about the three-year gap of not attempting a reconnection, not even with her best friend. Now, watching the quick-tempered Bakugou restrain himself from all-out losing his calm on national television was quite an improvement.

His disparaging grunt was loud enough to make anyone backtrack.

"Can't you damn extras have anything clever to ask?!"

His annoyance skyrocketed as the media pushed and squeezed closer for comfort. Turning away from the television screen, Momo suppressed a smile and concentrated on finishing her lunch.


Momo breathed a sigh of relief at the intervention, looking back at the blond obstructed by Midoriya's familiar bush of green hair, shielding the media man from Bakugou's intolerance.

"He probably had a bad day." The cafeteria woman guessed, wiping a table, eyes not leaving the monitor.

"You don't say?" A male voice chimed in. "That guy is always angry, no wonder crime rates in Tokyo dropped. I wouldn't want to go against that."

"It's not solely because of him?!" Another slotted in. "There's also Hawks, Edgeshot..."

"Huh?! They're relics!" A voice vetoed.

Momo scoops another bite with her chopsticks as the argument ensues.

"It's Deku, y'all! Have you seen his smash?! Not even your beloved Hawks could go against that!"

"Huh?! He wasn't even good-looking!"

"Hey! Deku's cuter than any of you combined!"

"As if good looks can kill!"

Momo could have rolled her eyes. As someone who had seen Midoriya on a daily basis, she could adhere to the opinion that he was indeed cute. Uraraka would be the first to attest to that.

"Lol. You're forgetting Shouto? He's no doubt the looker."

Momo puts a cat to shame for how immediately her eyes expanded on the notion. A small fraction of her heart twisted at the fact that the half-and-half hero was well-admired and adored, to her mild dejection, mostly by girls. The girls bobbed their heads in unison, sticking a tongue out at one of the patrons. A girl squealed when the said hero was mentioned.

"None." came his monotonous answer, leaving the girl's mouth gaping at the television screen.

'Wha--? What was the question?! Her brain screamed. Fully facing the TV monitor behind her, only to find the channel back on its regular noontime show.

'Bummer.' She thought, fine brows arched to reflect her dismay.

"Bummer.." turning low to the voice who had spoken her mind. It was one of those bobbing girls, all four set to leave the joint.

"How long do you think they'll be staying in Osaka?"

"Not for too long, they aren't here for vacation."

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