More of Me

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The ride had been quiet and sterile for the first few minutes since they rolled. Momo's initial plan of meeting him had led to coming home with them. Momo had never been in their estate and currently, her tongue was in tight knots especially having Endeavor as their driver for the day. Eventually, Fuyumi began tossing questions on how her shift had been which had Momo wheeling back to an event she hardly recall. Natsuo joined in too, voicing his surprise at seeing her as early as nine despite her late-night assignment.

"You really missed Shou-chan, aren't yah, Mo-chan?" He remarked grinning at her burning cheeks from the rearview mirror. She immediately lowered her gaze to her lap when the stark blue eyes of the driver sneak a glance at her from the same mirror.

From her hindsight, Momo sensed the figure sitting between her and Fuyumi peered down. Shouto had his hands planted steadily on his lap, barely touching hers, pretty much afraid to gamble, having three pairs of eyes surrounding them.

Momo studied the way his fingers curl on his pants, grappling the fabric with unrest. The reluctant way they closed and open as if wrestling over an idea. The repetitive hesitant motion amused the creation heroine that much that Momo had to choke on a muffled chuckle.

The small amused gasp of the heroine didn't sit well on the fire and ice hero. The gesture had him pull up a frown, taking her subtle smirk as a challenge, throwing away discretion being around his family. Shouto, ever the adamant, seized her hand, decisively, as though no one was around.

The ride hadn't quieted a bit since.
"Please make yourself at home, Momo-chan." Fuyumi slipped out of her shoe and headed before them and into a room.

"She's on the roll again," Natsuo remarked, untying his shoelaces. "I'm sure Mom had something ready," smirking at his younger brother who hadn't yet made a move to slip out of his shoes---apparently waiting after Natsuo and his old man. "... but I'm quite sure she doesn't expect Mo-chan."

Momo on the other hand hadn't been freed from the essence of blush still burning on her face. The siblings particularly Natsuo was so keen on his goal of flushing her. Though she suspected he was trying to get a reaction from his brother who unfailingly maintained a deadpan expression throughout his assaults.

Natsuo padded ahead, carrying with him a backpack. Leaving them alone with their father who now takes a step up to the polished wooden floors.

Shouto began sliding out of his shoes.

"Let me." She crouched before him, took his shoes, and laid them beside Natsuo's.


Momo smiled evenly at him. "You're still not allowed to exert effort, especially on your hips and shoulders. If you need anything just tell me, okay."

"I think I'm well enough..." Rolling his shoulders for a good measure, "I'm healthy as a horse..."

Momo let out an unimpressed pout, "Just don't overdo it."

Shouto didn't hide his smile as they lingered for another quiet beat. Relishing the moment. It took a fairly startling clearing of somebody's throat to yank the couple back to their physical senses. Momo was evidently unnerved at having their not-so discreet flirtation transpire before the former Number one hero, (She totally forgot about him) dropped her gaze out of absolute shame and hid the furious blush with it. It could be told that Shouto witnessed the impermeable frown on the old man's face melt into a notable embarrassment. A small look of curiosity crossed Shouto's face.

"I-uh, I'll go ahead. Make yourself at home, Lady Yaoyorozu." Enjie then turned to his son. "See to it, Shouto." Then he left them stranded at the doorway with nothing but befuddled expressions.

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