The Hot Springs, A yukata and Sakura

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Shouto barely got a good 'day' sleep after his brother 'wholeheartedly' sent him the photo that disturbed his thoughts until he slept from weariness. He even argued with himself if patrolling the night and ending up with the sound heroine was fortunate for him since he knew the petite girl keeps herself updated with her best friend.

Overlooking the city lights of Tokyo in one of those high-rise buildings, the sound heroine busied herself checking out the application that would notify nearby heroes of any violent occurrences.

"You're getting good signal here?" He asked Earphone Jack, still busy tapping on her phone, chin propped lazily on her palms, looking bored as usual as the normalcy of a city night transpired below, and behind the towering buildings.

"What's that question for?" She asked not looking at him. "We always get good reception." Tapping and swiping on her phone. The ding from her phone briefly caught his interest as she quirked a brow from the message. Jirou swiftly tapped back, lips upturned at some sort of mischief brewing inside the chaotic head of hers.

"We're both on our shifts." He mumbled, getting uncomfortable around the sound heroine. She was tapping quickly still, grinning at every reply she was making. The changes in her expression were making him uneasy, this was Jirou after all. After one final tap, she shoved her phone back in one of the pockets of her costume. She turned and leaned on the concrete wall of the rooftop.

"You got your phone with 'ya?" She asked, ignoring his not-so chiding.

He looked warily at the smaller girl before nodding reluctantly. She lifted an open palm towards him, wordlessly asking for his phone, looking impatient already. Against his better judgment, he dug up his phone and keyed his password giving it to the purple-head. Jirou quickly worked her way on his phone, tapping and swiping like she did her phone, after a satisfied rising of her brow, she gives it back, and he had never been suspicious of the girl before.

His brows furrowed questioningly when he immediately noticed the garish dual colours of his hair and, well, the blank expression of his face. He turned to the petite girl who's back at fiddling on her phone.

"Really now?"

"Ever heard of video chat, Ice Prince?" She retorted, eyes focused on her phone. He was certain he wasn't about to believe the Earphone Jack when a soft voice came through the speaker of his phone.


It sounded almost like a hush, when the mention of his name tilted his attention back to his phone. Finding himself looking back at obsidian eyes he hadn't seen for days. Momo was smiling. Behind her, the mountain--- it's pitch dark silhouette rose above the forest trees. Illuminating her face was the array of red lanterns that could be seen in the background.

"Mo-mmo. I mean Momo?"

"Good evening, Shouto, How are you? I probably caught you at the wrong time so this won't take long, just want to say hello. "

"Well.. yeah... I.. Uh.." The silent panic suddenly made his hand clammy "I'm...doing well.."

He overheard Jirou not far from him snickering on her stomach. The same laugh she give off when Kaminari short circuits.

Momo looked at him, devoid of any judgment. A small smile on her face.

"I-I'm sorry... I" He lowly mumbled.

"It's alright." She chuckled, breathing out visible puffs of air through her nose, her cheeks rosy from the bite of cold. "I didn't expect this as well.."


"Yeah..." He felt his phone threatens to slip from his grip as he kept it within eye level.

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