Chapter 13: Call to the Capital City

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Finally, here it is. Sorry for the long wait. College work really picked up. Then I started suffering from burn out so I had to take a long break to do other stuff. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

The sun shines over the wooded area of the Roswaal domain. The simple beauty is accompanied by the sweet sound that is silence.

Kaoi: Minya!


Well as silent as it can be.

We find Demon Slayer Kaoi laying on the ground as blonde spirit Beatrice assesses what just happened.

Kaoi: Uhhhhh.... Why does that keep happening?

Beatrice: I have no idea, I suppose. Despite doing everything I instructed, your gate should be able to withstand, yet your casting somehow backfired for the tenth time. This is proving to be quite the mystery to Betty.

Kaoi: I just don't get it! I can cast Shamak, Murak, and Vita fine but for some reason, I end up self-destructing on Minya of all spells.

Beatrice: Quite peculiar indeed. Anyhow, you ran out of mana so I suppose our lesson will end here. Now come, it's time for you to fulfill your part of our agreement.

Kaoi: Yeah, yeah...

True to his word after the Wolgarm incident, Kaoi had been telling Beatrice everything he knew about the Demon Slayer Corps. From Wisteria Houses to the Smithing Village.

Kaoi: So what do you want to hear about today?

Beatrice: Betty would like to hear about the Kakushi you mentioned from our last session.

Kaoi: The Kakushi? Ok, but I don't how much of an interesting topic they can be....Huh?!

Instantly catching his attention is an old man in a fancy uniform standing next to a carriage in front of the Mathers Mansion.

Kaoi: Actually, do you mind if we postponed our session for the time being? I promise we will have it later today.

The library caretaker looks at Kaoi before turning her head to the old man.

Beatrice: If you are going to be distracted then fine, I suppose.

Kaoi: Thanks, Beatrice.


Kaoi: An emissary from the capital?

Rem: I believe it concerns the Royal Selection. Lord Roswaal and Miss Emilia are with them right now.

Kaoi: Is that so?

Rem: Is something on your mind?

Kaoi: It's just that had this been two months ago I would be fine to leave at that and trust Emi's word on what happened later when I ask, but it just doesn't feel right.

Rem: I see. Very well then here.

Kaoi looks at Rem in surprise as she holds a tea set in her hands.

Kaoi: Huh?

Rem: Take this and go to the carriage driver to offer him a drink. Be sure to mention that the tea is our most expensive.

Kaoi: Most expensive?! Wouldn't Ram be upset at that?

The blue oni simply smiles.

Rem: I'm sure Sister wouldn't mind that we use the tea for this occasion.

Scene Change

In the Mansion's inventory room, a certain pink maid is seething in rage. She had originally come here to organize a tea set for her lord, lady, and the guest emissary. Ram had noticed that the can that holds the most expensive tea in the mansion had fewer tea leaves than it should the last time she checked.

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