Chapter 3: The Bowel Demon

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Narrator POV

For a moment, everyone stood still as the two faces one another. Mostly mesmerized by the flaming blade in Kaoi's hand as the display of fire magic was nothing seen before. Even Elsa had to make a remark about it.

"My, my, it seems that you're no ordinary swordsman. To be able to use fire magic like that. Will your bowels be just as hot? I wonder." The assailant said as she ignores Kaoi calling her a demon.

Kaoi momentarily confused looks at his sword and notices that it is indeed on fire with orange flames spewing. Definitely not something he typically sees when using flame breathing.

Feeling confident the assailant dashes at Kaoi to take a strike at his bowels.


Only for Kaoi to block the strike from the purple knife and counters with.

"Flame Breathing Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun"

Kaoi releases an upward arch attack that forms a wheel of flames excepting to decapitate the attacker in the process. However, before the strike could hit she jumped away at the last moment.

"Impressive, had I not dodged that would have surely been the end of me and without the scent of hesitation on your face. You have killed before haven't you boy."

"You know, despite me introducing myself. I never got your name" replied Kaoi

"Very well then, I am Elsa Granhiert, the Bowel Hunter. Does that satisfies you?" asked the now named Elsa.

"Yes," Kaoi said before shouting "NOW PUCK!"

"Here we go" Puck exclaims as he summons several ice shards.

"As long as we are introducing ourselves, the name's Puck and you do well to remember that to the grave"

With that, Puck unleashes a volley of ice shards. Creating a cloud of dust and debris from where Elsa was standing.

"Thanks for the assist Puck," Kaoi said as he takes a few steps forward.

"But I'm afraid I am going to have to ask you as well as Satella and the others to leave,"

Everyone looks at Kaoi confused by his request. Rom and Felt more shocked at the name he had just spoken.

"I can't fight her as well as protect you guys at the same time. Not to mention as her speeds I can only hope to match,"

"What do you mean, that spirit over there skewered her dead with that last attack" exclaimed Felt.

"Take a good look then at your 'skewered corpse' then," Kaoi said as he points his sword at the cloud of dust.

Indeed, Elsa is still standing there fine as the cloak she was wearing protected her from the ice attack.

"One should always be prepared," Elsa said as she rushes towards the group.

"I have a feeling she's gonna start fighting seriously now, so I'll keep her attention until you all escape. Teruo will then guide you to safety," Kaoi said as he dashes to meet Elsa.

"Kaoi Wait!" Satella shouts

"Lia, we should listen to him. It's almost five." Puck said as he feels tired from that last attack.

"I agree too," Rom said.

What follows is a series of clashes between Kaoi and Elsa. With one of them trying to create an opening to let the others escape.

Kaoi then puts more power through his blade that he creates a wall of flames blocking off Elsa from the others.

"NOW!" Kaoi shouts

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