Chapter 21: Gilded Catharsis

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In a snowy forest, a little silver-haired girl with pointy ears is playing with a short silver-haired woman also with pointy ears.


The woman looks up and she smiles with sharp amethyst eyes.

Why do you seem so familiar? Who are you?...

Slowly the women slowly melts as the amethyst eyes turn into a mellow brown. This is what currently the Sin Archbishop of sloth is as his head falls into the floor. It seemed that after the attack, Kaoi spectacles had fallen off, allowing Betelguese to see his sharp eyes and trudge up a long forgotten memory.

Betelguese: Such scary eyes...

For years his spirit has been traveling this world. Committing multiple atrocities in the name of his icon, the Witch. This was not the first time he had been "killed". Over the years Betelguese had walked in this world, many people fell victim to his possion magic. A great advatage when one is a spirit. However, this time he can feel his own soul being slice in half as his own neck was.

Betelguese: I'm sorry...

He did not know why he said that as he let out out an emotion he had not been in for so long.


Kaoi was caught off guard by this. Standing still as Betelguese's head and body were slowly disetnrigating. His eyes were let lose a volley of tears. The last image in his being this mysterious woman.

Betelguese: I'm sorry for being such a dunderhead...

With that, Betelguese was not of this world anymore. Now dust flying in the wind.

Standing still for a few seconds, Kaoi then moves to the ground where he makes a hole with his bare hands. From the top of the cliff, comes Julius.

Julius: Kaoi, what are you doing.

Kaoi: Making a grave.

Julius: Someone like him doesn't derserve one.

Kaoi: I'm not making a grave for him.

Julius: What?

Kaoi: I'm making a grave for the person he once was.

Julius: He once was? You mean before he was...

Kaoi: Corrupted. Something happened in his past that made him this way. At least that person should have a proper burial. [coughs]

Julius: Are you okay?

Kaoi: Just dealing with recoil damage. It seems like the In No Seishin Kagura may be a little more than I can handle right now.

Julus: The dance of the yin spirit?

Kaoi: I'll explain later.

After making the hole, Kaoi moves to the clothes that were left behind.

Kaoi: You can take whatever he had in his possessions but his clothes will be buried.

Rummaging through the pile of clothes. Kaoi picks up a small black book. He then buriess the clothes and in respect gives a prayer for his soul.

Kaoi: Please to whatever God, exist in this world. Help him. The next time this man is reborn. Please may he live a peaceful life free of demons.

Julius: Kaoi, let's hurry back to the village. Felix contacted me. It seems they have a problem.

Scene Change

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