Chapter 19: The White Whale Subjugation

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Teruo: Caw! Caw! The White Whale is here! Caw! Caw!

Crusch: Soldiers-

Kaoi: Now Ram!

Ram: El Fura!

The Black Earth Dragon runs at miraculous speed with Ram and Kaoi on top. Ram casts her wind magic to summon wind blades that slice the beast's belly. Spilling blood all over. Everyone is at a shock as they witness the two speeding towards the White Whale. Kaoi takes out his sword and lights it up in fire. Signaling the start of a grand battle.

Crusch: Soldiers, follow those two fools into battle!

The entire army charges forward to meet the White Whale. Cannons unlike Kaoi had seen before fired on the side of the Mabeast. A series of thunderous sounds is made as they made impact on the beast.

Ram: Bakaoi, they're firing the night banishers! Close your eyes!

True to Ram's word, a special cannon shot towards the sky. When it reached the same altitude as the White Whale, it exploded and made the night sky bright as daylight.

Kaoi: Incredible! I wonder if this night banisher could harm demons.

[White Whale Bellows]

Everyone momentarily stops as the White Whale begins roaring at it's attackers. Wilhelm glares at the monster as he reminisces about the red-haired woman that was his wife. Kaoi took this roar as a declaration of a challenge. A challenge he was prepared to meet.

Kaoi: Second round, monster!

Kaoi: Let's go, Ram!

Ram: This idiotic plan of yours better work!

Snapping at the reins, the black earth dragon runs under the White Whale. Kaoi's scent catches its attention and follows in pursuit. As it closed in on the two, it didn't notice the on coming attack that slashed its face.

[Wind Shrieks]


Crusch: You greatly underestimate us, looking away so carelessly.

Crusch had just used her hundred man strike to deviate the Whale from Kaoi and Ram. Allowing for the magical cannons to fire again at both sides. After the barrage, the White Whale opened its eyes and made its way towards the army.

Crusch: Evasive Action!

The army split in two to avoid the whale. While one swordsman riding upon a red earth dragon makes his way to the beast. It was Wilhelm as he jumped off his mount and readied his sword.


Wilhelm: 14 years,that's how long I dreamed of nothing but this day.

The White Whale then begins to descend. Even crashing into the ground but keeps on moving.

Wilhelm: Fall here, and leave your corpse behind.

Memories of his time with the red-haired woman played in his mind once again as the Whale came closer.

Wilhelm: You're nothing but a monster!

With that, Wilhelm jumps high in the air and comes down with a heavy blow on the White Whale.

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