Chapter 5: A Strange Lunch

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Blue Maid: Sister, Sister our guest is very loud

Pink Maid: Yes Rem, it seems that our guest is unnecessarily loud.

Kaoi: Well, what did you expect when you called me a loser.

Emilia: It seems like you can't wake up without causing a commotion, huh, Kaoi.

Teruo: Caw, Caw, He cannot Caw Caw

Kaoi: Huh?

Kaoi looked past the maids to see the person he thought he knew as Satella walking towards them along with his crow companion. Who then flies over to Kaoi and perch on his shoulder.

Kaoi: Good to see you too buddy

Blue Maid: Listen to this Miss Emilia without provocation my dear sister was violated by this man.

Pink Maid: Please listen to this Miss Emilia Rem was held prisoner in shame by this man.

Kaoi just stares blankly at them as they point at him with these ridiculous accusations.

Kaoi turns to Emilia while pointing at the maids.

Kaoi: Emilia! Those two stole my stuff please help me get it back!

Teruo: Caw, Caw, Thieves Thieves, Caw Caw

The three women were momentarily stunned at this display of childishness.

Emilia: That's enough you four. Don't go acting like children now.

Blue Maid: Yes, of course, Miss Emilia, My sister's very sorry.

Pink Maid: Yes, of course, Miss Emilia, Rem's very sorry.

Kaoi: The maids are calling her miss. I guess that means she must be some kind of noblewoman.

Kaoi: Fine, I'm sorry as well.

Emilia: Tell me Kaoi, are you feeling all right today? Does anything feel off to you?

Kaoi: I'm alright, thanks. Got to say though, I'm impressed how you were able to heal my wound. DIdn't leave a scar at all.

Emilia: That's a relief.

Kaoi: Yeah.

Kaoi then remembers the interaction he had earlier with Beatrice. His face contorts into worry as he rushes where he came from.

Kaoi: Emilia! I'm going to need your help with...

Kaoi stutters out as he opens the door. All he sees is an empty ordinary room and not the vast library he just left.

Kaoi: She must have moved it.

Emilia: She must have moved it? Kaoi, are you talking about Beatrice?

Puck then comes from the green crystal with a worried look

Puck: Did something happen to Betty?

Kaoi: Yeah although I wouldn't know how to explain it.

Kaoi then details his mysterious encounter with the blonde girl and how she jumped in pain after putting her hand on his chest. Which was followed by her requesting he leave her alone.

Kaoi: That's pretty much what happened.

Puck: It seems like Betty must have tried to drain your mana but somehow you repelled her.

Kaoi: My mana?

Puck: Something to talk about later. Lia, I'm going to check on Betty, Ok?

Emilia: Sure Puck.

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