Chapter 27: A Maiden's Gospel

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Kaoi: [gasps]... [coughs]...

Kaoi shot up from the ground, grabbing his neck as he heavily breathes.

Kaoi: Was I killed? Who was that? What were they doing in the mansion?

After calming down, Kaoi took a look around his surroundings.

Kaoi: This is... the Witch's graveyard? This must be my new milestone. Right after the trial.

Emilia: [groans]

Kaoi: Emi!

Rushing towards the fallen half-elf, Kaoi picks her up as she regains consciousness.

Emilia: Kaoi...

Kaoi: It's alright, Emi. I'm here.

Although Emilia seemed calm, that quickly went away.

Emilia: It wasn't me! It wasn't!

Kaoi pulls her in for a hug of comfort.

Kaoi: I know, Emi. I know.

Scene Change

After returning to the aftermath of the first trial, Emilia seems to have recovered more quickly than last time since she is now present at the meeting where Ryuzu introduces herself.

Emilia: I've finally calmed down.

Kaoi: You really think you're fine? If you need to rest more-

Emilia: Yes... because Kaoi was there for me, I think. We need to talk about the trial now.

Kaoi: ... If that is what you want to talk about then alright.

Emilia: For starters, I would like to know how Kaoi was able to enter the graveyard.

Kaoi: Huh?

Emilia: N-Not that I'm ungrateful or anything. It's just that I thought anyone that wasn't of mixed blood would be repelled like Roswaal.

Otto: Yeah, I had a similar question to that, too.

Kaoi: I... don't exactly know how but for some reason I became qualified.

The room stood quiet as they process what Kaoi had said.

Kaoi: It was quite similar to when I entered the graveyard the first time. When I got teleported. I enter the ruins and pass out. Moments later I wake up with these vague memories. I can't make anything out but I still get pieces of information from them.

Emilia: Like what?

Kaoi: The first time was learning that I was qualified and the second time, this time...

Kaoi debated in his mind whether or not to tell them that he passed. He didn't want to make Emi feel worse that he passed it and she couldn't. However, it is for the best that the group has all the information available.

Kaoi... that I passed the trial.

Garfiel: [scoffs]

Emilia: [Gasps]

Ryuzu: Hmm... Young Kao passed, eh? Assuming he's not joking, that's quite an achievement. If it's true, we can remove the barrier. Garf, how does the barrier look now?

Garfiel: No changes.

Ram: So Bakaoi lied.

Rem: No Ram! Kaoi wouldn't lie to us like that!

Before Kaoi could answer, he sense aggravation from Garfiel but his expression remained neutral. Kaoi thought Garfiel would feel more positive considering he suggested that Kaoi take the trial in the last loop.

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