Chapter 25: Brother and Sister

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Rozu: and there we go!

After a couple of minutes, Rozu had finally removed the last of the bandages off Kaoi's body as the doors open revealing a young boy with flame-colored hair holding a trey full of food.

Senjuro: How are you doing Kaoi?

Kaoi: Fine, Senjuro. Hmmm... That smells good.

Senjuro: I'm glad breakfast is to your liking.

Rozu then puts her arm around Senjuro. Startling the poor boy.

Rozu: Stop being so modest! You know that your cooking is always to our liking.

Senjuro: Hah! [Blushing] Rozu! Stop it! I'm holding breakfast!

Rozu: [chucles]

Kaoi: [chucles]

???: That smell,... breakfast is ready!

With a strong force, the doors were slammed wide open revealing a boisterous man with similar flame-colored hair as Senjuro. He wears a demon slayer uniform with gold buttons instead of the standard silver. His smiles immediately brighten up the room.

Kaoi: Rengoku-sama!

Rozu: Rengoku-san!

Senjuro: Elder brother!

Rengoku: [Laughter]


Kaoi/Rengoku: Tasty!

Kaoi/Rengoku: Tasty!

Kaoi/Rengoku: Tasty!

Kaoi/Rengoku: TASTY!

After one last declaration of their meal being tasty, both men slammed their bowls on the table.

Rozu: [sighs] How come you've lived with him longer but Kaoi is the one that pick up that habit, Senjuro?

Senjuro: [chuckles] I don't know. I guess that will become one of life's mysteries.

Kaoi: Like why haven't Rozu told you that-

A blushing Rozu clamps her hand over Kaoi's mouth.

Rozu: We have to do chores! We were waiting for you to finish breakfast, obviously. Come, Senjuro!

The young girl then grabs the arm of the boy to drag him out of the room.

Senjuro: [blushing] Rozu!

Kaoi: [Chuckles] Oh those two...

Rengoku: Ah, to be young and innocent!

Kaoi: You said it, Rengoku-sama.

Rengoku: Now with breakfast done. Meet me outside in thirty minutes, young Kaoi!

The Flame Hashira said as he gets up to leave.

Kaoi: I know the drill, Rengoku-sama.

Scene Change

The Hashira and his Tsuguko stand across from each other as they bow before raising their wooden swords. Kaoi dressed in his short sleeve uniform. Their crows standing on the roof to watch as their younger siblings stood in the middle. Rozu then raises her hand.

Rozu: Ready...

Kaoi's hand gripped the bokken sword tightly.

Rozu: Set...

Rengoku's hand had smoothly grasped his bokken sword.

Rozu: ...Go!

Like that the two demon slayers went at each other at incredible speed! The sound of wood clashing littered the ears of everyone watching.

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