Chapter 26: The Game Begins

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After waking up from the trial, Emilia now rests on a bed in the village while Kaoi and the crew sit in the next room.

Rem: She's finally calmed down, and is resting now.

Ram: The aroma hypnosis will prevent any nightmares.

Kaoi: Thanks for that, you two.

Rem: Anything for Miss Emilia.

Ram: Still, the Sanctuary is even farther from being set free now.

Otto: Um, may I say something?

Kaoi: Something on your mind, Otto?

Otto: It might be possible to get everyone outside the barrier without doing the trial and freeing the Sanctuary.

Garfiel: Huh? What're you talkin' about? There's no way in hell.

Otto: Just hear me out. I know that anyone of mixed blood who touches the barrier loses consciousness. So... Why don't those of us who aren't affected by the barrier carry the others through it while they're unconscious?

Kaoi: interesting thought but I doubt it be that easy to circumvent the barrier just like that.

???: And you be right to think so.

Everyone looked toward the source of the new voice. A familiar long pink-haired girl walks in the room with a staff in one hand.

Kaoi: It's her. From before but her clothes are a bit different.

Kaoi decides to hear her out before asking any questions.

???: I would rather not become an empty shell of a soul.

Otto: Um... And you are...

Ryuzu: I am Ryuzu Bilma. It is my duty, you might say, to represent this community, though I am old and frail.

Kaoi: Frail? Sure she looks a bit tired but I would say she's frail. She looks younger than Rozu.

Kaoi: Well then Ryuzu, my name is-

Ryuzu: I am well aware of who you are, Kaoi. Which makes you Young Kao.

Kaoi: Huh?

Otto: So, Ryuzu-san, what makes you say my idea won't work? Something about an "empty shell of a soul"?

Ryuzu then takes a seat on Garfiel's side of the table.

Ryuzu: Have you not heard? When one of mixed bl*od touches the barrier, it takes away their consciousness. More specifically, it repels their soul.

Kaoi: So when a mixed-blood tries to force their way through the barrier, their soul is separated from their body, and only their soul remains inside the barrier, leaving an empty shell, right?

Ryuzu: Good. you seem to catch on quickly. That is the gist of it, yes. When a body without a soul exits the barrier, it is, in other words, dead.

Kaoi: ...Still, if the qualification to undergo the trial is having mixed blood, doesn't that mean you or Garfiel could do it if you wanted to?

Ryuzu: If we are speaking only of making the attempt, it stands to reason that we could. But we cannot free the Sanctuary. That is the contract that has been handed down among us residents of the Sanctuary for generations.

Kaoi: Contract...?

Kaoi: Does that mean even if they took all three trials, the barrier isn't dispelled unless it is done by a specific person or that they are bound by an oath not to do so?

The Next Morning

Slowly waking up, Emilia finds herself on an old bed with her mind all fuzzy. Soon Kaoi walks into the room.

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