Chapter 7: The Sound of Chains

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Kaoi: What is happening? Did I dream of that up? No that can't be it felt too real for those memories to be a dream.

Here we find our Demon Slayer sitting on the very same bed he believed to have already woken up from. Kaoi decides to investigate to see if he really has dreamt of the past 5 days or if this has been a trick by Roswaal and the maids.

Kaoi: I wouldn't put it past that man to do this kind of thing. However, for some reason, I doubt that is the case.

Kaoi once again found himself in the looping corridor he was in before meeting Beatrice. Just after making sure he was indeed in a looping corridor, Kaoi decides to open the door to meet the blonde girl.

Kaoi: Wait! Better make sure I'm not in Total Concentration Constant. Even if what I recall had been a dream. I wouldn't want to hurt her if she tries to mana drain me again.

Kaoi:[Coughs] Ok, let's do this.

Kaoi opens the door once again to find the same blonde spirit with giant pigtails in the same massive library.

Beatrice: What an aggravating man, I suppose.

Kaoi immediately picks up the feeling of indifference that came from the blonde when he first met her. Unlike the feeling of displeasure that came from her the last time, he interacted with her.

Next, Kaoi bows to her as he introduces himself.

Kaoi: Hello there, my name is Kaoi. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Kaoi: Let's see her reaction to me introducing myself a second time.

Beatrice: At least you have some manners, I suppose. Betty's name is Beatrice and you are intruding on the forbidden library. I will now ask you to leave.

Kaoi: It's the same as before. In fact, it seems like she doesn't remember me at all.

Kaoi: Of course, but before I do so can you take me to ...

Kaoi was going to ask Beatrice to use her door-crossing ability to take him to Rem and Ram but decided to go to a different destination.

Kaoi: Can you take me to the mansion's fitting room?

Kaoi: That is where I dreamt of where my uniform and blade would be.

Beatrice: Oh and how do you know of Betty's door crossing ability, I suppose?

Kaoi: I have heard some tales of a great spirit that overlooks a massive library and can move it anywhere she wants.

Kaoi: Not exactly a lie. Since I have been told about her ability by the other residents.

Beatrice: Hmmm. All right.

Beatrice then raises her at the door to use her door-crossing ability.

Beatrice: There the door will now lead you to the fitting room, but first I must make sure you are not a threat.

Kaoi: Very well.

Kaoi for the second time stood still in awkward silence as he waited for Beatrice to be finished.

Kaoi: This is taking a bit longer than in my dream. I do hope this mana drain won't be ... Hrk!

Kaoi suddenly felt a shock in his system as he fell down clutching his chest. In instinct, the Demon Slayer immediately goes into Total Concentration: Constant as he slowly regains his footing to face Beatrice.

Kaoi: What did you do to me?

Kaoi: Is this what would have happened to me if I didn't have Total Concentration active?

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