Chapter 14: The Royal Selection Begins

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?: Onii-chan....

Kaoi: huh.... Rozu... What's going on...

In a room that is dimly lit by the moon. We see a younger Kaoi on the floor as he is just awoken from his slumber by a child dressed in green clothes. 

Rozu: I can't sleep well... Can I please sleep in your bed...

Kaoi: fine.....

Kaoi moves to the side of his futon as Rozu goes under the covers. For a while the two lay in silence. Kaoi then notices a small but firm grip on his hand.

Rozu: Onii-chan....

Kaoi: Yes Rozu....

Rozu: I miss mom....

Kaoi: I know... I miss her too....

As he closes his hand around Rozu's. The two siblings drift into slumber.

?: K...

?: Ka...

?: Kao...

?: Kaoi...

?: KAOI!

Back in Reality

Kaoi: HUH?

No longer reminiscing about the past, we find our demon slayer in his butler attire out in the streets of the capital. Emilia in a hood is looking at him while she grips on his hand.

Emilia: What is with you today, Kaoi. I had been calling you but you haven't been responsive for some reason.

Kaoi: Oh sorry, It's just that Rozu used to hold my hand whenever she wanted to feel safe or that she had a safe place at my side. Although she didn't have your strength prowess.

As he said this, Kaoi holds up his hand that Emilia is holding with incredible strength. Yeah turns out that demons and oni are not the only races that are just physically stronger than humans. Emilia then gives a pout.

Emilia: Well, I did not want you to wander off and get into trouble.

Kaoi: Who's looking after who, here? Besides, if we did separate, Teruo can just lead us to each other.

Kaoi then points at the sky where the Kasugai crow resides. Fluttering his wings against the wind.

Emilia: Even so, I want you to be in my sights in the case that you go avaunting.

Kaoi: First dunderhead and now avaunting? I swear you're making these words up. [giggles]

Emilia: I am not making them up! They are perfectly natural words that people use everyday!

Kaoi: I'll believe it when I hear it. So, where are we heading to anyway?

Emilia: The guard station in front of the noblemen's district.

Kaoi: I see so then about the royal selection-

Emilia: I thought we went over this, Kaoi. You are only here to look over me while I'm the capital outside of important meetings and to get your inspection.


The two came to a full stop in front of a large building.

Emilia: Okay now Kaoi, I want you to stay around here while I discuss matters here.

Kaoi: You don't want me to come with you?

Emilia then becomes meek for a moment and said

Emilia: It's just... No commoner is allowed inside past this point. Only knights and above.

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