Chapter 15: Slayer vs. Knight

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Kaoi's introduction began to cause quite the stir among the knights. Those that pledged their services to the candidates especially.

Reinhard: Slayer?

Julius: Just what is he thinking?

Felix: What a moron, talk about being irresponsible

Al: Is he not....?

Even the candidates to the throne have to voice out their own thoughts.

Priscilla: What could the insolent fool be spouting?

Crusch: I've never heard of such a corps...

Anastasia: Tsuguko...

Felt: Demons? Does he mean Oni?

Miklotov: Roswaal! I demand that you elaborate the meaning of this.

Roswaal: Well, it's quite simple, you see the man before you is a swordsman from beyond the great waterfall. In other words he is from another world where a race that is entirely different from Oni, called Demons hunt humanity. Kaoi here is part of an organization dedicated to fighting these monsters. He is essentially that of a knight.

Councilman: Is this true, young man?

Kaoi:..... It is true. I am indeed from another world and everything else that you heard from Roswaal about my home is true.

Kaoi then felt the feeling of pure shock emanating from both the throne candidate, Crusch and the Red Knight, Reinhard.

Councilman: Lady Crusch? Knight Reinhard?

Crusch: I don't believe it...

Reinhard: To think such a person exists...

Crush/Reinhard: He is telling the truth!

This causes an uproar among the knights and nobles as they quickly murmur about this huge revelation.

Knight: He really is from beyond the great waterfall?

Noble: This can't be true! It has to be a trick!

Priscilla: He really is making this more interesting.

Felix: If Lady Crusch says it's true...

Felt: Wow! No wonder he's amazing!

Anastasia: This is very useful information.

Al: So he really is from...

Julius: Reinhard, you can't be serious!

Kaoi: I'm sorry but I'm a bit lost here. What is happening?

Reinhard: Apologies, Kaoi. You see Lady Crusch and I share a divine protection that allows us to tell if someone is telling the truth or not. It simply caught us off guard that everything we heard to be true.

Kaoi: I see.

Head Councilman: Order! I demand order!

The crowd was once again silenced as the Head Councilman began to speak.

Head Councilman: Now that your identity has been made and verified to the council. Demon Slayer Kaoi, what is your relation to the throne candidate known as Emilia.

Kaoi: Currently, I am employed to be her bodyguard.

Emilia: Kaoi...

Councilman: And what is it that you wish to speak on the behalf of the witch?

Kaoi: I am simply appalled by the actions by the people of this court. It disgusts me that you all find it proper to throw such insults at a lady and not just any lady. But one chosen by the dragon himself to rule this country. By insulting his candidates that had done nothing to warrant such words, is to practically insult his authority. Which I hear is a grave grievance akin to heresy in this country.

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