Chapter 22: Her Name is Ram

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Kaoi: uhh....

Sluggishly waking up from his nap, Kaoi gets his bearings together as he pieces together what has happened.

Kaoi: That's right, we're heading back to Karsten Manor to pick up Ram before going back to the mansion..

Emilia: Kaoi!

Looking to his left, Kaoi sees Emilia with a worried look on her face.

Kaoi: Hey Emi.

Kaoi tries to lift his arm but finds that it was being held by the sleeping little orange-haired girl Petra who was sitting on his right.

Emilia: Yeah, when you were sleeping, she latched on to your arm. I asked her kindly to let go but she refused me with a lackadaisical attitude.

Kaoi: It's okay we all have been through a lot lately. Also lackadaisical?

Emilia: [growls]

Kaoi: [chuckles] I mean look at me I'm just absolutely filthy. I'm sure Ram is going to give me quite the tongue lashing when she sees me! [Chuckles]

Kaoi: Ram...

Kaoi: Look, I know that Rem and Roswaal are very important to you.


Kaoi: I promise that I will make sure that those two as well as everyone else will stay safe under my watch. Okay?

Ram: ... Fine, but I want to add something to that promise.

Kaoi: Anything you want?

Ram: I want you to promise me that you'll come out of this attack safely as well.

Kaoi: Huh?

Ram: It would reflect poorly on Master Roswaal if one of his employees were to fall to a mere grunt of the Witch Cult. So do you promise me that?

Kaoi: I promise, Ram.

Flashback Ends

Kaoi: I kept my promise, Ram.

Emilia: Kaoi...

Kaoi: Yes, Emi?

Looking at Emilia again, Kaoi sees that her face bears confusion.

Emilia: Who is Ram?

Kaoi's eyes slowly widen as he gasps. Which then quickly turns into fear.

Scene Change - During the Attack on Sloth

Sitting in a carriage full of those injured in the White Whale Subjugation, Ram looks out in contemplation.

Crusch: You don't look very happy, Ram. What's wrong?

The maid then turns to the dragon candidate sitting across.

Crusch: Listen, there's nothing to worry about. We got the best of the best out there. Felix, Wilhelm, the men who volunteered, Ricardo and the Iron Fang. And of course that Kaoi, the demon slayer. There's no way we can lose.

Ram: I'm afraid you're mistaken, Lady Karsten. I am well aware of the capabilities of Bakaoi, so I am not worried about his well being.

Crusch could have told Ram that she felt the wind of untruth but decided to keep it to herself.

[Loud Rumbling]

The leading carriage is suddenly torn to shreds.

Crusch: To arms, now! Enemy attack!

The able soldiers grab their blades. Ram moves to get up but is stopped by Crusch.

Crusch: Let us handle this. You're still recovering from the White Whale.

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