Chapter 20: The Witch Demon of Sloth

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Second to last chapter. The penultimate part. It's time for the climax of this arc.

Felix: Just nyow getting around to joining us, Julius? Thanks so much for gracing us with your presence.

Julius: Please. You're going to ruin my reputation. Now listen. You seem to be mistaken. I am not the man called Julius. Let me see. Perhaps I'll go by something like Jules instead. Even if it is temporary, a man who has the status of knight must never lower himself to the rank of common mercenary.

Kaoi: This guy...

While arrogance is an emotion that could make Kaoi puke. A close second would be smugness. Even without his empathy powers, Kaoi still can't stand smug people that are too prideful of themselves.

Felix: A proper household's code of chivalry can be a real pain sometimes, huh?

Julius then turns to Kaoi as he drops his smile.

Julius: I am glad to see your wounds from our previous encounter have healed.

Kaoi: Likewise.

Kaoi: Yeah this is going to be tough.


Kaoi: Thanks to all of you, we succeeded in taking out the White Whale. However, it's not over yet. There is going to be an attack made by the Witch Cult. Once they have been defeated then your mission will be complete

Mimi: The Witch's Cult is up next?!

Tivey: You think we can trust the allegations that the White Whale and the Witch's Cult are actually connected? I mean, after all, we just came here as reinforcements for the-

Mimi: Enough!

The small cat girl wacks the orange cat boy over the head with her staff.

Tivey: Ow! What was that for?

Mimi: If you can't believe him, even after everything he did to help stop the White Whale, then you just need to believe me.

Kaoi just smiled at the antics of the two orange cat siblings.

Felix: Didn't you look into that connection before, Old Man Wil?

Wilhelm: I wouldn't call my findings definitive evidence, but instances of Whale appearances and cult activities seem to coincide in many respects.

Kaoi: On that note, we're going to make our way to the Mathers domain. The cult is most likely hidden in the forest there. Our main strategy is to raid them before they can read our movements.

Soldier: I'm concerned. Is there a way to keep the villagers safe?

Kaoi: That is already taken care of. I asked Miss Anastasia and Russel to talk to the merchants along the highway. Under the condition that Margrave Mathers buys their cargo at the asking price, they'll ask the merchants to evacuate the villagers as well as the residents of Roswaal's mansion. For those in the mansion, Teruo should have arrived there as we speak. Nobody there knows about the alliance. There's bound to be chaos without them being notified about it.

Ricardo: Sounds like we can get the ball rolling, then.

Mimi/Tivey: Yeah!

Wilhelm: We've quite the upper hand here. We've never had such an advantage battling the Witch's Cult.

Kaoi: Agreed and now with Julius and his crew joining us, we have the advantage in numbers.

Julius then raises his hand.

Kaoi: Yes?

Julius: I'd like to offer one correction. Remember my name is Jules. Just be sure to keep that in mind.

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