Chapter 8: Rekindled Soul

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Kaoi: Just what is happening. That couldn't have been another vision! The pain was real! Too real! That was the most pain I felt than my entire career in the corps. I know I lived through that week and that someone killed me and Teru- Teruo!

Ram: Honored Guest, are you okay? I heard screaming.

Twin pink and blue maids enter the room to see a very distraught Kaoi in bed as he breathes heavily.

Kaoi: I'm okay."Ah" I just had a horrible night terror. "Ah" Sorry, I caused such a ruckus. "Ah"

Ram: Well, I am pleased to hear that it was nothing serious.

Kaoi: No problem. Say where am I?

Ram: You are in the Roswaal Mansion of Lord Roswaal. I am Ram, and alongside my twin sister Rem, we are the housemaids of the mansion. Here, let me give you your spectacles.

Kaoi: Thank you.

Kaoi: There is no doubt about it. I really have somehow gone back in time to the moment I have first woken up.

Ram: It is my honor. Now if you don't mind we will retrieve your belongings. Please wait here for the moment.

Kaoi: Okay.

With that, the twins leave the room and leave the young boy to his thoughts. Although the blue-haired Rem lingered a bit before closing the door.

Kaoi: Going over all the facts. I have lived in the mansion for 10 days as a butler. At the end of the fifth day, I am sent back here by an unknown power.

Following my most recent experience, I came back only after I had died. Did I die in my sleep during the first week? How? There was that convulsion where I certainly felt like I was dying. Could that have killed me when I was sleeping peacefully?

Assuming that is indeed the case. What caused the convulsion?

It seems like the only thing I can put together is that every time I die, I go back to a certain point. However, that brings up new questions. Like can I activate it without dying or can I control what point in time I can go back to?


Emilia: Kaoi? It's me, Emilia. Can I come in?

Kaoi: Yeah, come in.

Emilia: I heard you woke up screaming. Is everything alright?

Teruo: Caw Caw Alright? Alright? Caw Caw

Seeing his now alive friend, Kaoi couldn't help but tear up as he hug his beloved crow.

Teruo: Caw! Caw!

Kaoi: Yes, everything is now alright.

A Moment Later

Emilia: So are you ready to tell me what had gotten you waking up screaming?

Kaoi: Yeah, I think I am.

Kaoi: If there is an intruder coming to the mansion. Then I'm going to need to let people know. Although convincing them is probably going to be hard. Maybe if I reveal information that I could only know through conversation may help.

Kaoi: I think twice, Emilia, I die-

Suddenly the world had stopped

Teruo and Emilia had stopped moving like they were frozen. In an instant, there was only silence as all noises ceased. Kaoi could no longer feel the air coming through the window.

Kaoi: What's happening? Why can't I move?

Strange streams of black fog appeared from Kaoi's back and formed a spiral Vortex. Out of it, came a clawed hand outlined with a purple glow that moves towards him.

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