Chapter 23: New Faces, New Places

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In the wee hours of the morning, the noise of men can be heard as the servants of the Karsten household prepare carriages. It was finally time for the residents of the Roswaal Mansion to return. In front of one carriage attached to a certain black earth dragon stands the two candidates for the throne with friendly smiles on their faces.

Crusch: Let me make it clear that you're welcome to stay here. I would gladly host the both of you for as long as you like whenever you like.

Emilia: We really appreciate that, but for now it's important for us to get the villagers back home. Maybe one day with Roswaal's permission.

Crusch: Alright, very well. When you do, I hope you'll give me the opportunity to repay my great debt to Kaoi.

Emilia: I'm sure he will appreciate your gesture no matter what.

Crusch could only let out a small smile before turning her head to the carriage before them.

Crusch: He really cares for that woman. Doesn't he?

Emilia blinks in confusion for a moment before realizing what she means.

Emilia: Yeah, although I have no recollection of her. She and Kaoi seem to have a close bond.

Inside the carriage sits a melancholic pair. A certain pink-haired oni casts her eyes on the floor while a concerned demon slayer holds her hand.

Kaoi: Ram...


Ram is lying on the bed in her pink nightgown as Kaoi had just finished telling her about gluttony.

Ram: ...

Kaoi: ...

Ram: ...

Despite not saying or doing anything out of the ordinary. Kaoi can feel the inner turmoil writhing in her heart and the dread she is anticipating when she meets her lord and sister.

Kaoi: .... Ram?

In a gentle motion, the demon slayer moves his hand and slowly grasps Ram's still hand. The pink-haired oni slowly moves her head to face Kaoi.

Kaoi: I know you are going through a lot of emotions right now but I promise you. I will find a way to fix this. Roswaal's the best magician in the country right? Then he probably has something up his sleeve for this. It may take some conniving to do but it will be worth it.

Ram: ... okay, bakaoi...

Flashback End

Kaoi hated the fact that he could do nothing for her right now. Never before did he feel so powerless.

Kaoi: Roswaal, I may have my suspicions but right now you are my best bet to help Ram right now.

Soon Emilia enters the carriage and snaps the two out of their pensive state.

Ram: Lady Emilia Eh!

Ram tries to quickly get up and bow but found herself immediately dizzy. Soon caught by Kaoi and put back down into the seat.

Kaoi: Careful Ram, you're still recovering. You shouldn't be moving so fast.

Ram: Bakaoi...

Emilia: He's right. Despite Felix's magic, he still recommends that you get as much rest as possible.

Ram: ... as you wish, Lady Emilia.

Kaoi: Here, let me help you.

Slowly Kaoi lays Ram along with the carriage seat with her head laying on his lap. Ram soon falls asleep before she could protest Kaoi's action.

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