Chapter 24: Reunions

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Echidna: My name is Echidna but that's not my title. So perhaps you'd know me better as the Witch of Greed.

As Kaoi looks up at the woman atop the hill. He makes a quick go at his sword. Only to find it not there.

Echidna: Ah! Ah! Ah! You naughty boy.

The strange woman said as she wag her finger at Kaoi.

Kaoi: tsk!

Echidna: It hurts to see you look so alarmed by me. I'm still a tender young maiden, you know.

Kaoi: Well telling someone that you're a witch in this world is a good way to make them alarmed.

Echidna: Well, that is a fair point. [giggles]

Kaoi: ... so how did you get me here anyway? Seconds ago I was in some ruins but now I'm here.

Echidna: You weren't physically moved if that is what you're asking? You were merely invited to my tea party.

Kaoi: Tea party?

Echidna: Indeed. It's a witch's tea party. So are you going to stand there forever? Why don't you at least sit down before the tea gets cold?

Beckoning Kaoi to come, he reluctantly moves up the hill. Taking a seat across from the host. He grabs his cup, looks at it for a bit, and then took a sip.

Kaoi: ah...

Echidna: Aw... and I was so looking forward to hearing you yell "Tasty!"

Kaoi: Well it's a little bland for my taste. What exactly is this flavor? Wait! How did-

Echidna: It's something that's produced here. To put it bluntly, it's a body fluid of mine.

Just like that Kaoi freezes in place. A million thoughts go through his head but most of them are repeating.

Kaoi: Please don't let it be urine! Please don't let it be urine! Please don't let it be urine!

Kaoi: ... can you elaborate on that? Please?!

Echidna: [Laughter] Oh relax. It's just my saliva.

Kaoi: Still an awful thing to serve your guest.

Echidna: I just make do with what I have here.

Kaoi: and just what is "here" exactly?

Echidna: The Castle of Dreams, it's a special space outside of the physical reality. Like I said before you have not been moved physically. It's just your conscience that has moved.

Kaoi: and why did you pull me here?

Echidna: You came in here of your own accord. If you want to go back, I'll send you back... But are you sure that's what you want?

Kaoi: What do you mean?

Echidna: An opportunity to talk to the Witch of Greed is not something that just anyone, other than you, can earn. The only requirement to have a dialogue is for both of us to exist. So let's remove the unnecessary things.

Soon the grassy plains transform into a cosmic void. Kaoi couldn't believe what he is seeing.

Kaoi: What the hell?

Echidna: All we need is our words. Let me affirm all the desires, the curiosities, the greed, that you seek to satisfy with answers. Now, what would you like to ask me?

As she starts speaking, the cosmic clouds took a form of a girl with hair tied into two tails.

Echidna: About the Witch of Gluttony, Daphne, who created beasts that defied the will of God to save the world from starvation?

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