Chapter 12: End of the Week

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?: Kaoi, Wake up.

Kaoi: uhhhhh...

Kaoi's eyes open slowly as he gets up to open the door.

Ram: About time you got up. Now get dress and come with me. We must prepare breakfast.

Kaoi: Are you sure you should be looking after last night? You took a pretty bad hit.

Ram: You need not worry. Miss Emilia was able to heal my body fine. While I won't be using any magic from now on. I can still fulfill my duties as a maid which is much needed since Rem is still in confinement.

Kaoi: If you say so. Just give me a moment to change.


Normally peeling potatoes wouldn't feel weird to Kaoi but after last night's events and prior. It was unnatural to him at least.

Ram: What is on your mind?

Kaoi: What do you mean?

Ram: I do not need empath powers to realize that something is bothering you. Also, you are peeling that tato too much.

Kaoi looked down to see that indeed he had been making what is essentially a potato stick.

Kaoi: Hah, I guess it just feels a little weird to be doing housework after last night where we were fighting.... Wolgarm was it? And there was the night before where Rem tried to kill me. Now I'm am preparing steam tatoes for breakfast.

Ram: It should be expected of course. As members of Lord Roswaal's staff, we have a duty to take care of the Mansion at all times until we are told otherwise.

Kaoi: What I mean is that when I was traveling as a demon slayer. It was mission after mission, maybe a trip to the wisteria house if I was heavily injured but besides that most of my time was spent walking from village to village as Teruo guides me.

Ram: Your crow would guide you.

Kaoi: Yeah, Teruo is actually a kasugai crow that is trained how to speak like a human to guide us to our mission and to relay messages. Really this week is the most I ever stayed at one place.

Ram: I see.

Just then Emilia enters the kitchen.

Emilia: Kaoi. Ram. Are you two feeling alright?

Ram: Yes Miss Emilia, as I told Bakaoi. I recovered enough to perform my duties here.

Kaoi: We're back to Bakaoi, huh?

Kaoi: Yeah Emilia, We're okay.

Emilia: That makes me glad. I was very worried when I saw the state of you two when you came back last night.

Kaoi: It's okay you did a good job healing us.

Ram: Agreed.

Emilia: Oh! Kaoi, Roswaal told me that after you and Ram serve breakfast. You two should go to the village.

Kaoi: What for?

Emilia: They want to thank you two of course! Not only did you return the children to safety buy you also rid them of the curse!

Ram: If it is what Lord Roswaal commands.

Kaoi: Okay. After I give Rem breakfast we can leave for the village.

Emilia: Be safe you two.

Kaoi: You're coming with us.

Emilia: Huh?

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