Chapter 18: Set Your Heart Ablaze

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Kaoi: [Gasping]...

Clutching his chest over where his heart would be. Kaoi tries to calm down as he recollects what had transpired.

Ram: Bakaoi?...

Looking back, he sees Ram looks at him with concern even if she doesn't show through her expression.

Kaoi: Nothing Ram. Look how about you go on to the Mansion without me. I'll be there later.

Ram: What are-

Before Ram could respond the Demon Slayer had already made his way. Not really walking towards any destination in mind. Staggering at times, Kaoi would have to lean on a wall to rest a bit.

Kaoi: The mental fatigue must be catching up with me. Twice again I have died. Despite my body returning to its healthy state, the trauma of death still haunts my mind.

Kaoi however, brushed those thoughts aside and continued on his aimless walk through the city.

Memories of his encounters with the Archbishop of Sloth and the White Whale played in a loop within his head. He barely pays any attention to those he passes by. That is until he bumps into a large person.

Al: Watch where you're- Oh hey it's you, Bro!

Looking up Kaoi sees a familiar face or rather a familiar helmet.

Al: Hey Bro, you doing alright? You don't look so good.

Kaoi: Oh hello Al. Sorry about bumping into you. I just have a lot on my mind.

Al: Yeah, all of this Royal Selection Stuff can be a lot to take in.

Kaoi: The Royal Selection...

Al: You sure you're okay, Bro?

Kaoi: Yeah, I just need to clear my mind.

Kaoi then walks past the one-armed helmeted man. Who could only look back at the demon slayer.

Al: Before you go do you mind answering one last question?

Kaoi: Sure.

Al: What was the era in Japan when you left?

Kaoi: The era of the Taisho.

Kaoi: Wait! Not once in this trip did I mention that I was from Japan. So how did he...?

Slowly turning back, Kaoi looks at Al with complete shock as he awaits for his response.

Al: It was the era of the Heisei when I left Japan in 2012.

Kaoi: So you're...

Al: Yep, I'm like you.

Kaoi: How long have you been here?

Al: About 18 years. You?

Kaoi: I've only been here for 2 months!

Al: How about that.

Kaoi: How can this be? How can a person from a 100 years in the future arrive here 18 years before I did?

Al: I wouldn't know. I haven't been exactly pursuing why I was transported here. Just trying to survive each day. However I wouldn't say I am from a hundred years in your future.

Kaoi: Huh?

Al: You said it yourself, how can a person from 2012 arrive in a world 18 years before another person from the 1910's? It wouldn't make sense unless we were from different Japans.

Kaoi: Really?

Al: It would explain the lack of Demons and a Demon Slayer Corps in my world.

Kaoi: Well actually we I'm from, only a small population of Japan knows about demons and the Demon Slayer Corps is unrecognized by the government.

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