Chapter 16: Nightmare

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Afternoons in the Karsten estate are always the most pleasant. The insects can be heard chirping as the smooth breeze brushes over one's hair. This accompanied by the sweet taste of tea can make Kaoi feel like he is back home.

Kaoi: [sips] Tasty! This tea is very excellent Wilhelm.

Wilhelm: It is my pleasure, Lord Kaoi.

Kaoi: Just Kaoi is fine. There's no need for formalities.

After what had transpired on the day of the Royal Selection mission meeting, Kaoi and Ram had been staying at the Karsten estate as perdue to a contract between Crusch and Emilia.

Wilhelm: Very well, I am just pleased to see that you have recovered quite nicely after your duel with Lord Julius.

Kaoi: Yeah, Felix is really something. It would normally take way longer to fully recover my body to be in fighting shape.

Wilhelm: Then you wouldn't mind taking on this old man for a spar would you?

The old butler then takes out two wooden swords and offers one to Kaoi.

Kaoi: And what brings this on?

Wilhelm: I was present for your duel with Lord Julius. Now I want to experience this Flame Breathing technique of yours.

Kaoi: All right.

The two then take their position facing each other with their sparring weapons on the ready. Ram watches with Teruo under an umbrella.

Kaoi: On your mark, Wilhelm.

Wilhelm: Just remember, this is to test your sword skills, so no magic.

Kaoi: No problem, Flame Breathing

Kaoi: Huh?

Just as Kaoi was about to make the first strike, Wilhelm completely vanished into thin air! Kaoi suddenly found himself head first into the ground as his legs were swept by the old man. Turns out Wilhelm is very fast. Faster than Kaoi could perceive.

Ram: Oh Bakaoi...

Kaoi: This old man was able to be as fast as Rengoku-sama without using Total Concentration Breathing! Elsa, Julius, Reinhard. Seriously If any one of these people becomes a demon, they would have enough power to immediately become an upper moon!

Wilhelm: I've expected you to be more diligent than that.

Kaoi: Well it seems like I'm not sparing against any ordinary old man.

Wilhelm: Let this be a lesson to never underestimate your opponent, Kaoi.

Kaoi: I'll keep that in mind! Now come on Wilhelm! Second round!

As the two continue the friendly spar, a certain cat boy looks at them through the window as his lady inspects several documents.

Felix: What are nyou saying, Julius?


Julius: It was my fault that my sword, the prized heirloom of house Juukulius, broke .

Felix: Julius, I watched that duel with my own eyes. It was clearly Kaoi who broke it.

Julius: Yes, but he wouldn't have if I didn't insist that we duel in the first place.

Felix: Nyou were trying to protect him from the other knights.

Julius: Except that he didn't need protection. I failed to see the raging flame he is and I was burned for it.

Flashback Ends

Felix: Just how deep were you cut by this man. ...Oh?

Looking past the two sparring warriors, Felix can see that at the front gate talking to the guard is Reinhard.

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