Chapter 17: The Great Demon's Fog

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Sorry for the long wait. Finals took a while to complete. Now that they're done let's continue!

Kaoi POV

Where am I?

What is this place?

Why can't I feel anything?

I feel like I don't have legs.

I feel like I don't have arms.

I feel like I don't have a mouth.

I feel like I don't even have eyes.

Yet I can see all around me are shadows.

What is happening!?

Why am I here?

I'm not back at the Karsten Mansion, not at the shopping district, I'm not even back in the capital!

I'm in a place that I've never been before!

No Wait!

I have been here!

I remember now!

After the first week in the mansion and after Rem had killed me!

Everytime that I die, I arrive here before waking up.

While my memory is wiped of the experience when I wake up.

I don't know why this happens or what this place is but soon I should be waking up any second now.

???: ...[sobbing...

But something doesn't feel right.

???: ...[sobbing...

I hear the sobbing of a woman.

???: ...[sobbing...

Somehow turning my line of vision around I see the silhouette of a woman. She is covered in shadows as a purple aura outlines her body.

???: ...[sobs]... I'm sorry ... [sobs]... you weren't supposed to be ...[sobs]....

Supposed to be... What?!

Who are you?!

Why am I here?!

But before any of my questions can be answered my vision begins to darken.

Scene Change

Narrator POV

Slowly waking up into consciousness, Kao finds himself in the shopping district. A bit disoriented, Kaoi takes a moment to get his bearings. With his memories of cutting his own neck still fresh in his mind.

Kaoi: [gasping]... Breathe Kaoi Breathe. You got to get your bearings straight or-

Ram: What is it, Bakaoi?

Kaoi: Huh?

Looking back, The Demon Slayer sees a familiar Pink Oni Maid. Not gasping for breath nor struggling to stay alive. Her limbs are in perfect condition and not a drop of blood is dripping from her face.

Instead of saying anything, Kaoi slowly approached Ram.

Ram: Bakaoi, what are-

The next thing I knew, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled Ram in for a tight embrace.

Ram: Bakaoi! Get your filthy ar-

Kaoi: I'm sorry!

Ram: What are you-

Kaoi: [sobs]... I'm sorry... [sobs]... I'm sorry

Ram: What is he apologizing for? It can't be for hugging me out of nowhere. He wouldn't be this emotional.

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