Chapter forty-one

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"There you are!", Cat exclaimed and pulled Alec into a hug- it has been way too long since they've seen each other. Cat used to be Alec's coach at his former dance school 'Brooklyn Dance Academy'- it was the very same Cat that taught Alec all the basics and saw his through all the way from his first tendu to NYABM preparation. She remembered it as if it was yesterday- the day he first came to the studio, it being her first day as coach as well. Now, more than a decade later she was the head coach of BDA and he was in his last year at New York's most prestigious secondary dance education programm- the New York Academy of Ballet and Modern. He was the first and only one of her students to get in to far, so preparing him for NYABM and everything that came with it has been as much of a memorable experience for her as it was for him. "Hey, Cat!", Alec grinned and pulled his old coach into a hug- she has always been shorter than him, but the young woman with the long blue hair was easy to underestimate- he never failed to make that mistake himself. Cat's path had been quite special- she didn't go for a career in dance as a dancer before switching to teaching, teaching dance had always attracted her more than dancing full-time herself. "Igniting that light in others is more beautiful to me than pouring more gasoline in the flame that is lit inside myself.", she used to say whenever one of the students asked. And it was true- she had been a wonderful coach from the beginning to the end of Alec's time at NYABM: Always motivated, encouraging, ready to go the extra mile for her student's benefits. Without her, he doubted he would have ended up where he did. "It's so good to see you, how have you been?", Cat smiled as she sat down on Alec's opposite. They used to catch up over texts or calls but barely managed to hang out. "I've been alright.", Alec smiled, feeling the happy memories rise inside of him, "What about you? It's been a minute since we talked." "It truly has.", she smiled, "I'm good and watching you thrive over the past years has been incredible. I feel like I remember you dancing your first ever recital, and if it wasn't for that fire you would have been on the big NYABM stage, dancing the Nutcracker himself." "True.", Alec sighed, "But you know, some things apparently aren't meant to be." "Trust me, you'll have more opportunities to showcase your talent after NYABM- do you have any idea of which companies to send your file to?", Cat asked. "I have no clue yet. I'm very clueless concerning everything at the moment, to be honest.", Alec chuckled, "It feels like I've hit a point in my life where there are only questions and no answers whatsoever." "Oh come on.", Cat chuckled, "I know it's been rough lately, but it'll be alright!" "I hope so.", Alec grinned, "But i'll need your help." "Anything, you know that! Spill it!", Cat exclaimed. "So.", Alec started explaining hesitantly- he knew it was a lot to ask, but he was running out of options, "Until we have a new training schedule, we're supposed to gain some experiences in the real dance world and work a job that is somewhat dance-related so I was wondering if there was anything I could help out with BDA? Literally, I'll wipe your floors, I don't care, all I need is something to send to NYABM as proof." A smile lit up Cat's face:" There's no need for you to wipe our floor, our cleaning guy is amazing. However, I would need someone to help me teach a few classes- it's getting a lot with the administrative work at the moment so another coach would be great!" "You genuinely think I'd be a useable coach?", Alec frowned in surprise. "Of course, you'd be wonderful! Good dancer, good with kids, parents love you, reliable colleague- there isn't one criteria you don't meet.", she smiled widely and pulled out her phone, "Just say the word and I'll send you the contract." "Cat, you don't have to pay me.", Alec chuckled, "It's all good." "Nope, I'm paying you. You'll be my first self-brewed employee and a valuable addition to the BDA family. Besides, I bet it looks really good on your resume that you already landed a coaching position." "How do you keep saving my ass?", Alec grinned and took a sip of his coffee. "It seems to be my secret superpower.", Cat replied cockily, "I'll email you everything tonight and maybe we can talk things through tomorrow and agree on a schedule?" "I never thought I'd say this but I am free whenever you need me.", Alec laughed. "That's good- you are good to dance though, right? With your knee, I mean? I heard something happened during the fire?" "Oh no, that was minor, I'm good.", Alec laughed, "Just made me overthink for a few weeks but it's getting easier by the day." "What were you doubting?", Cat asked, sensing there was more behind it. "I wasn't really doubting dance as a career, just started asking myself when it went from being the thing taking my pain away to the thing causing it. " "The second you went pro- that is why I never did.", Cat smiled weakly, "But that will make you such a wonderful teacher- you have so much experience, both ups and downs, you know the pre-professional world and can actually prepare your students for what they might come across. Nobody prepared you for half of what you went through, and as there are some experiences one can not be warned about, you'll be there for those kids. Truth is, Alec, nobody knows how long a career in dance will last- it could have been over the day of your injury, but look at you, you're still going. And even when it will be over one day, no matter when that day will come, you'll pass on your fighting spirit through teaching. Just know that there'll be a bit of you in every dancer walking out of BDA- and maybe you won't dance yourself, but a part of you will always dance on in others."

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