chapter 2

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I grinned as Carter got in the car, she started screaming right away. "OMG I'M SO EXCITED!" She squealed. " SAME GIRL!" We made Mom play One Direction the whole ride there. Then we parked and got out "You've got the tickets right?" Mom asked me. I nodded in response. We walked in and gave the ticket collector our tickets. Then we found our seats. I looked around at all the anxious fans. I couldn't stop smiling, I couldn't believe that Mom and Dad got me front row tickets to One Direction. Then the boys walked onstage. Everyone screamed and I turned on my camera on my iphone. The boys sang "C'mon C'mon", then "Still the One", then "Heart Attack", then during "Gotta be You" Harry came up to our row and high fives our hands. When he touched mine I felt a spark. It felt amazing, like it was meant to be. By the look on his face he felt it too, then he sang his solo directly to me! The rest of the concert flew by, I couldn't think of anything besides the electric feeling I felt whenever Harry and I touched. "Darcy! We're gonna be late!" Carter said. Then I realized that we were one of the last people here. "Oh ok then lets go!" I replied as I quickly got up.

*30 minutes later*

Carter and I sat in a back room waiting for the boys to come in. Then, the door opened and the boys walked in followed by 2 men all dressed in black. I guess they were body guards. Carter and I stood up and I said "Hi! I'm Darcy!" And Carter quickly added "And I'm Carter!" Then Niall said "Well we're One Direction!" And then Louis added "I think they know that mate!" And playfully punched his arm. Then Carter sat on the larger sofa with Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis sat on Niall's lap. Then Harry and I sat on the smaller sofa. I saw that they were already talking so I turned to face Harry. "So love, any questions?" I nodded and said "Where's your real home? Like what town?" He replied "Holmes Chapel." Then he said "My turn!" With a cheeky smile. "What are your middle and last names?" I replied "Sarah and Monroe" He nodded. "Darcy Sarah Monroe. love it." I nodded and blushed. "Ummm what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" He thought about it. "Cookies and cream." He answered. "Same!" I replied. "How old are you?" He asked "I'm 17." Then he said "Same here!" For about half an hour we asked questions like these to eachother. Then we took pictures. I got one taken with all the guys and just me and Harry. I couldn't help but grin when he put his arm around me. This tme the tingling feeling was SO much stronger. Then I told them all that it was great to meet them. When I reached Harry he asked "Can I get a hug?" I nodded and he held his arms out. Then he whispered "Can I have your number?" I nodded and took out my phone. He saved his number and he got out his phone and I typed mine in. "Thanks love, it was nice meeting you."

My Darcy: A Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now