chapter 5

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"Hello Beautiful." He said. I grinned. "Hey Haz." He smiled and I noticed his eyes grazing over my body. "You look amazing." He replied. Then I loooked at him. He had on a white tee, a navy blue blazer, skinny jeans, and white converse. "Like what you see?" He laughed and I blushed. "Let's go love." I closed the door behind me and locked it. Then we walked to his car and he opened the passenger door for me. "Thanks." I said as I quickly got in. He jogged to the other side and also got in. We buckled our seatbelts and he drove off to a side of town I've never been to. The houses looked extremely expensive. "Hello?" Harry said. "Oh umm sorry." He smiled. "That's alright love. I just asked if you brought your camera." I blushed and said "Yes I did." I grabbed it right after Carter left. I held it up. "Nice." he replied. "Why did you ask me to bring it?" He shrugged. "I don't know I just thought that maybe if we didn't have anything to do you could show me how to take them. I'm usually the one that the photographer is taking a picture OF. I thought it'd be cool if I could be the photographer for once." I nodded and we pulled into an apartment complex. There was a park, and loads of apartment buildings. He parked in front of number 5 and got out.  I did too and I followed him inside. We got in the elevator and he pressed the button for floor 6 and the elevator went shooting up. "Are the other guys going to be there?" He shook his head in response. "They're out clubbing. Well first they're going to dinner, then clubbing." Then i quickly said "Omigod, you could've gone!" He cheekily smiled. "Love, I MADE them go. I wanted to be alone with you." I smiled. "Ok good." The elevator stopped and we got off. Then he led me to room 125 and got his keys out of his pocket. He opened the door for me and said "Ladies first." I smiled and thanked him and walked inside. It was a huge living room, all the walls were white except for one wall, which was brick. There were 2 huge sofas and 2 black beanbag chairs. There was also a large tv and fireplace. Then Harry led me to his kitchen. There was a huge island with bar stools, a gigantic refriderator, a stove and microwave. "Did you eat at all?" I shook my head and my stomach growled. We both laughed and he said "Great. I'm going to make you dinner." I smiled. "Harry! You don't have to do that babe." He laughed. "I want to." I replied "Only if I can help." He nodded and grabbed a frying pan out from a cabinet. Then he got out chicken, rice, and veggies. He also got out a cutting board and knife. "I'll cut the veggies, can you put the chicken and rice in the pan?" I nodded and did so. I turned around to see Harry's back facing me, he was cutting the vegetables. I watched his muscles flex through his tee shirt, I guess he took of his jacket so he wouldn't get it dirty. Then he turned and caught me staring. He laughed and I blushed and turned away. He placed the now-cut veggies in the pan and turned the stove on. Then he flipped the mixture in the air like a chef. "Do you mind putting plates and utensils out?" I nodded and he left the pan. He handed me the plates and utenstils and pointed to the dining room. "The dining room's just in there love." I walked into it and glanced around. The walls were black and there were black and white pictures hanging on them. There was also a huge window with a window seat too. I placed the plates and utensils on the table. The table cloth was red and brought color to the room. I walked back into the kitchen to see Harry pouring the delicious looking mixture into a bowl. Then we both walked into the dining room and sat down. "I love this room. Well actually your whole flat." I said. He smiled "I know it's brilliant isn't it?" He replied as he poured some of the stir fry on my plate. "Harry this looks amazing!" He blushed. "Thanks." Then he poured some onto his plate. It was quiet as we both ate. "Omigod this is delicous!!" He smiled cheekily. Then he asked "Do you want something to drink?" I nodded. "Yes please." He replied "I'll get you a soda. Do you like sprite?" I nodded and he got up and went back into the kitchen. He came back seconds later, this time with two cans in his hands. He handed me mine and our fingers brushed. There was that tingling feeling again!

*15 minutes later* We finished eating and we went to the kitchen to clean up. Then Harry took my camera off the island and walked back into the dining room. I slowly followed him, when i got in I saw him sitting on the window seat. He patted the spot next to him. "Come sit here." He said. I did and I looked out the window. It was dark out now, but the view was amazing. He nudged my arm and I blushed. How do you work this thing? "Well...the lense cover is still on it...." I said as I giggled. "Oh...I knew that." He replied. I took the cover off and laid it to the side. "Then you turn it on....." He took it from me and hit a button. "Oops. Wait. This picture is amazing!" He told me. I saw it, it was an old picure of me at my lakehouse, overlooking the lake. "No it's not Harry." Then he said "Yes it is! That's amazing!" I blushed and turned away. "Let me take a picture." he added. I nodded and got the camera ready for taking a picture. He put his arm around me and leaned in close. Then he moved the camera away from us and snapped it. He gave it back to me and we looked at the picture. It was brilliant. "Now THAT'S a great picture." I said. He laughed, took my hand and led me to the living room. I looked at the clock. 9:02. "Oh Harry um I need to be home by 11." I quickly said. I felt the tingling feeling as Harry clasped his hand to mine. "That's fine I'll drive you." Then i placed my camera on the coffee table and he said "Wanna play Just Dance 4?" I nodded and replied "Sure!" He placed the game into his wii and handed me a remote. Then we played "What Makes You Beautiful" and Harry sang his parts. Next we played "Call Me Maybe" and I tripped and fell on one of the beanbag chairs. Then Harry laughed so I pushed him down, but he pulled me down with him. We fell on the couch with me ontop of him. We were both laughing so much, I couldn't breathe. Then Harry said "Love could you mind getting off me?" I giggled, blushed , and got off.  I looked at the clock again. 10:30. "Hey Harry I really don't wanna ask this but can u take me home?" He laughed and nodded. I grabbed my camera and purse and he grabbed his keys. He led me out and locked the door behind him. We got in the elevator and he asked me "Hey umm...wanna meet at the park tomorrow? Maybe around 11ish?" I nodded. "That sounds brilliant." He cheekily smiled and we got out. We walked back out to his car and he opened the door for me again. "Thank you." I said as I closed the door and put my seat belt on. He walked to the other side and put his seatbelt on. Then we drove to my place in silence. We got there and we both got out. He walked me to my door and he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. As he pulled away he whispered "See you tomorrow love."

My Darcy: A Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now