chapter 10

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Darcy's POV:

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. The room was spinning and I felt my head pounding. I was sitting on the floor, up against the wall. Then I saw Liam laying stomach down on the floor, a few feet away from me. He had a huge bump on his head and his eyes were closed. The vodka bottle that was sitting in the kitchen was gone. I slowly turned my head. I didn't see Harry anywhere, he wasn't in the kitchen OR living room. Then i tilted my head up to look at the clock hanging on the wall. 2:47.  I started getting up, I held onto the wall for balance. I slowly walked into Harry's room to find...nothing. He wasn't in there OR the bathroom. Where the hell did he go? I walked back out to the living room and glanced around. Still nothing. Then I knelt down next to Liam. I saw that his knuckles were covered in blood and his chest was covered with bruises.(He didn't have a shirt on.) I slowly got up and held onto the sofa for support. Then I walked to one of the boys' rooms. I walked to the side of the bed to see that it was Louis. I slowly shook him. "Louis...Louis. Get up!" He slowly opened his eyes. "What?!" Then he realized who it was. He sat up abrubtly then said "Oh my God. Darcy...w-where's Harry?" By the tone of his voice I could tell that there was something wrong.

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