chapter 20

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Darcy's POV: I ran in between the reporter and Harry, and braced for impact. Harry's eyes flew wide open and his fist stopped right before my nose. He clenched his jaw and dropped his fist. His nostrils flared and he quickly took my hand. He stormed off to his car, me clumsliy following him. He didn't open the door for me, this time he went directly to his side and slammed his door shut. I got in and he sped off before I could put on my seatbelt. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel. We halted to a stop as we reached a red light. He turned to face me and I said, "H-Harry, did you mean what you know, about you loving me?" He looked at me squarely in the eye and said, "Yes Darc. I love you." Then, the light turned green and Harry turned back around. He turned onto my street and pulled in my driveway. I turned to face him and I thought about what he just told me. Did he really love me? I mean I obviously know he wouldn't li-All the sudden, Harry cupped my chin and kissed me. He pulled me onto his lap and I twisted my fingers in his curls. We kissed again and again, and Harry pulled away. Then he rested his forehead against mine. "Harry, I love you too."

*1 week later*

I slipped on my purple converse as I checked the time on my phone. 4:45. I walked outside, got in my car, and drove to the dance studio I've been dancing at since I was around four. I had a part time job teaching a class with Carter here and tonight was my second week working. We tought little girls how to hip-hop dance, most were in first and second grade. My passion besides photography was dancing, and I wanted something to do while Mom and Dad were away, so I figured this would be the perfect job. I smiled as I pulled into the parking lot and saw Carter standing there, waiting besides her white car. I grabbed my messenger bag and hopped out. "Hey Carter! Ready?" She nodded and we walked inside. I walked to our section of the studio, there were around five. Each section were basically different "rooms" that people teached in. Then, I placed my bag with Carter's, but got my phone out as I heard a buzz. It was from Harry.

*Hello Beautiful. Watcha up to?*

*Actually gonna strt work now...*

*oh sorry babe! I'll ttyl then. ily:)*

I smiled at his last words.

*babe ily 2. ttyl:)*

I put my phone away and saw that some girls already arrived. I got up and stood with Carter, waiting for the other girls to arrive.

*1 hour later*

"Alright bye Lucy!" I smiled at the last little girl that left with her mom. Then I looked at my phone. 6:05, it was probably dark out by now. "Hey Darc would you mind closing up? Niall wants me to come over asap." She smiled mischeviously. I laughed and nodded. "Sure, I'll talk to you later babe." They've been dating for a while now, about three weeks. Then I realized Harry and I have been officially dating for around a month now. Actually, our one month anniversary was in a week! I walked over to my phone again and this time I hit shuffle under my playlist. I rested my phone on my bag and walked to the middle of the floor. "Beauty and A Beat" came on and I started dancing. I danced to several more songs before "C'mon C'mon" played. I closed my eyes as my body moved to the music. "Hello Beautiful." My eyes shot open and I automatically turned around. "Harry! I-I didn't know you were standing there..." I felt my face heat up. "You're an amazing dancer baby." He smiled cheekily. "Exactly how long have you been watching?" He chuckled. "Long enough." Then he took off his jacket. "What-what are you doing?" I asked as he laid it next to my bag. "I want to dance with you."

My Darcy: A Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now