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At the call of his name, Niall turned. When he saw me coming towards him, a huge smile lit up his face as he closed the distance between us. He caught me in one of his bear hugs.

"Megs! It's ao great to see you again!" He said, putting me down. "It's been forever!"

"I know! I've missed you so much!" I said, smiling like crazy. I looked back to find Sierra with her jaw dropped, staring wide eyed, making her way towards us slowly. The boys themselves looked a little confused. Louis was the first to say something.

"So, Niall, you gonna introduce us to your girlfriend?" He had a smile on his face, so I knew he was joking.

"Oh! Right!" Niall said, "Guys, this is Megan McGulligar, my best friend since, what, when we were three?" He said, turning to me.

"Hi! And umm, actually, since we were born, I'd say." I said, putting on my thinking face.

Zayn did a low whistle, "That's quite a long time, mate. So you guys grew up together?"

"Yeah, we lived right next to each other." Niall said.

"Umm, hi?" Sierra said, finally meeting up to us. She had a look of embarrassment on her face.

"Oh, Megs, is this your friend you were talking about?" Niall asked me.

"Yeppers! Everyone, this is my roommate, Sierra Jacobsen." I said, waving her forwards.

"OMG! It's so great to finally meet you guys!!!!" She squealed, jumping up and down again.

"It's nice to meet you, too!" Liam said, pulling her in for a hug. The rest of the boys did so, and I think she almost died. When Zayn pulled away, she had big bug eyes. It was kind of funny, and I snickered. She looked at me, and I stopped. Sierra was known for her death stares, and I didn't want to receive one.

"Well, we better leave soon." Louis said. "We have to meet the girls at the diner by eight, and it's already seven"

"Oh! Right!" Niall said. "Hey, can Megan and Sierra come?"

"Of course!" Harry said.

"Yeah, Eleanor would love to meet you!" Louis said.

"And so would Perrie!" Zayn added.

"And Danielle!" Liam said.

"What do. You think, Sierra? You wanna have dinner with One Direction?" I asked her.

She had a look of pure joy on her face. "Heck yeah!"

We all laughed at her obvious enthusiasm, and all walked out towards the big black van.

"Hey, Paul!" Niall said, "This is my friend Megan, and her friend Sierra. They are coming with us to Antonio's."

"Alright, get in and buckle up!" Paul said, getting behind the wheel.

We all piled in the van, Louis, Zayn, and Liam on one side, Harry, Sierra, Me, and Niall on the other side. The ride was more than quiet. Music was on in the background, while we all talked and laughed and had just a overall good time. Sierra looked like she was about to explode with joy. Harry kept talking to her and asking her about herself. It was quite funny watching her reactions. Louis and Zayn were making up a dance to some random song, and Liam, Niall, and I were chatting about different things.

It was a half an hour drive to Antonio's. Niall and I caught up on events the whole way. When he found out I got into the university of my dreams, he gave me another hug. It was kind of hard, being buckled in and sitting next to each other, but it worked.

"So, you guys have been friends your whole lives, eh?" Liam said. "How'd that come to be?"

I looked at Niall, seeing if he would like to answer, but he was looking at me, so I answered.

"Well, are parents have been friends since they were little, and we lived next to each other since we were little." I paused letting that soak in. "I moved to America when I was five so that my parents could look after my Aunt Marcey, who was ill. When she got better, we moved back. I lived in America for five years, and we kept in touch the whole time."

"Wow. So, when you were ten, you moved back, and Niall and you just continued on with your friendship? That's really something." Liam said.

"Yeah, and we haven't seen each other in three years. Not as long, but we haven't talked alot." Niall said. "I'm glad we can spend this summer to catch up!"

"Me, too, Ni!" I said, giving him a smile. "And I'm so glad to finally be meeting you guys! You're really nice!" I said. The boys were listening while I told the story. They all had expectant looks on their faces.

"What?" Niall asked, seeing their faces.

"Nothing." Zayn and Louis said in unison.

"Alright, kids. We're here." Paul said

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