Chapter 33

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*Megan's POV*

I don't know how long I have been off the machines, but I can already feel some of the cloudiness go away, more and more at a time.  Niall didn't come by much, just my mom, and sometimes my dad was with her.  She was here now, just talking about Boston.  I love to here about it, it helped me to focus on getting better.

She was talking about how beautiful the city looks at night, when all the lights shine off the water in the distance from where they live.

"Oh, Megan, when you get better you have to visit, with Niall.  It will be so much fun!  You would absolutely love it there!"  She said, squeezing my hand.

I am so glad that she went right along with Niall and I being together.  I kinda knew she had always thought of Niall as family, and so do I. 

A couple of hours passed before she had to go, to help my dad with something.  They both work for Boston College, my mom a counselor, and my dad a European History professor.  He had some lesson plans to make for when he goes back, and has to grade all the papers he brought with him, and all the emails of assignments he gets. 

"I'll be back tomorrow, baby."  She said, kissing my forehead before she left.

I am so glad that she's here, and I can't wait to give her a big hug when I wake p, and thank her.


*~Two Days Later~*

  *Megan's POV*

I was feeling very strong, and the cloudiness surrounding me was so thin, I felt like I could wave it away with a flick of my wrist. 

I still couldn't see, or talk, but I could move my arms, just not drastically, and very slowly.  The doctors are saying that I could wake up any minute.  I just hope that Niall or my parents will be here when I do.  I have a feeling I might not remember thinking all of this.  Maybe just a few words said, here and there, but don't people usually wake up a bit confused?  I think that's what happens.

I waited patiently for the rest of the cloudiness to lift, but it was going very slowly.  I could see the flashes of light from the room on my eyelids. 

What I assume is later in the day, My mom and dad came up to see me.  When the doctors told them that I would wake up any time, they were very excited. 

"Honey, we are so happy.  We finally get to hear you again!  I'm sorry Niall couldn't be here, he has been so busy, apparently his tour is coming up within the next couple months.  He's at rehearsal right now, he should be out a little later."  My mom said.

She took my hand, and my dad patted my forehead.

"We'll see you soon, sweetheart.'  He said, and the both kissed my cheeks.  I probably would've blushed if I could've.

A little while later, the cloudiness was going away, much more rapidly.  I felt heavy, like I was regaining the sense of my own body weight, like I was regaining consciousness.  The cloudiness started to fade, and the light with it.  I got scared.  I didn't know if I was fading or coming back.  It was a weird sensation, like a rush of blood to the head, then, I blanked out.


I woke up slowly, my eyelids fluttering open, and my eyes took a minute to adjust to the bright white light above me.  I felt like the world was moving in slow motion.   I turned my head to my left slightly, and saw my mom, half asleep next to me, leaning on the bed. 

"M-Mom?"  I said, my voice a trembling whisper.  She raised her head, a bit startled.  When she saw me looking at her, a smile lit up her face.

"Hi, sweetie."  She said softly, a gentle smile on her face.

"Hi."  I said, my voice still soft, but a bit stronger as I got more and more awake.  I smiled. 

"Oh, my little baby!"  She said, giving me a huge hug.  I returned the embrace, feebly at first, but after I used my arms, they got stronger, and we squeezed each other.

"Where's dad?"  I asked when we pulled away.

"Oh, he went to get some coffee, and to check up on his work.  He should be back soon."  Mom said.  She was smiling, and it made me smile so much more.

"I'm so glad you're here."  I said after a minute.  She just nodded, and held my hand.

"Do remember anything I told you while you were, um, recovering?'  She said, patting my hand.

"Yup."  I said, nodding.  'And yes, I definitely need to visit Boston during a school break."  I said, smiling big.  I really wanted to go back there, it was so beautiful when I was little. 

She just laughed.  "Yes, yes you do." 

We talked for awhile, about school, and work, and dad came up during that, and pulled me into a bear hug, and kissed my cheek.

After awhile of talking with them, I remembered something.

"Um, guys, shouldn't we tell the doctors?"  I said, playing with my hands. 

"Oh, yeah, maybe we should."  My dad said, getting up to go and tell the nurse at the desk.

Dr. Sanbourne and Dr. Michaels rushed in to check on me, and just checked all my vitals.  They said that by tomorrow, I should be well enough to go home, which made us cheer.  My parents and I thanked them, and they left after shaking hands with my dad.

We were all happy, especially me.  I had been waiting for so long to be able to go home.  Then a thought popped into my head.

"Mom, dad, how long have I been here?"  I asked.

They got quiet.  Then my dad spoke up.

"About, um, four weeks."  He said, slightly frowning.

"Four weeks!?"  I said, almost yelling.  "I've been here a month?  But that means classes start in two weeks!"  I said.

I wasn't ready for classes yet.  I had so much to do.  I had to go to the main office and get my schedule, get my lunch times, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

"Woah, sweetie, sweetie, calm down, calm down.  We know, and that is something we wanted to talk to you about."  My mom said.


"Well, your mother and I think that this might be a good time to consider, taking a break from school, like a Gap Year."  Dad said.  They both looked concerned.

"But, but, I want to go back!  I don't wanna take a Gap Year!  It would set my whole plan off!" I said, throwing my hands in the air.  I was exasperated.  I couldn't believe they even wanted me to consider it. 

"Well, we'll give you time to think it over."  mom said.

"And besides, I've already paid for my classes!"  I countered.  I wouldn't let them take me out of classes.

Mom just sighed, and Dad rubbed his forehead.

"We'll talk about it when you're better."  He said.  And with that, that conversation was over.

I just couldn't believe they would even consider doing that.  It was absolutely absurd!

After awhile, the mood lightened, but there was still something nagging at me, something I forgot in all the excitement.  Then I remembered.

"Mom, where's Niall?"


AN:  Hello lovelies!  A semi-cliffhanger1  Ooh!  :p  So, I just wanted to thank all of you for reading, like always, and just wanted to say hi!  Also, if any of you want to talk, about the story or whatever, I would love to hear from you! so vote, comment, and spread the word!  Oh, and there is probably going to be a big spurt of chapters, so be prepared!

Also, for any Divergent fans who have not read Allegiant, I'm sorry

To those who have, WHY????????!!!!!!!!!  (you know what I'm talking about)

Welp, by lovelies!

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