Chapter 27

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*3 Weeks later*

*Megan's POV*

I was sitting on the floor in my room getting my books and other supplies ready. University was starting up in a couple of weeks, and I still needed to get my schedule sorted out. I was going to be taking six courses. Intermediate Palaeontology 1, Advanced Chemistry, Advanced Biology, English, Level 3 Music, and Media Arts 2. I had all my supplies ready, but still needed to buy some textbooks.

My phone buzzed, and I got up off my floor to grab it from the table. It was from Niall.

Hey Megs. What are you up to? ~Ni

I texted him back.

Nothing. I'm gonna head out in a bit to get some textbooks.~Megs

He texted me back a minute later.

Would you mind if I came? ~Ni

Of course you can come! ~Megs

Sierra was at work until later tonight, so hopefully Niall could keep me company.

Alright. I'll pick ya up in ten. :) ~Ni

Okely Dokely! :D ~Megs

I grabbed my purse and stuffed my keys and phone in it. I hopped down the stairs and went to the hall closet to grab a jacket, because it was raining. I started to put on my converse as I waited for Niall.

I heard wheels on pavement and the engine being cut off. I was just finishing tying them when he knocked on my door.

I opened it, and greeted him with a smile.

"Hey, Niall." I said as he pulled me into a hug. "Ugh! You're soaked!" I said, which made him squish me.

Then he let go, and chuckeled. "Well, it is raining." He said, pulling away.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said, looking past him. It was pouring out.

"Are you having second thoughts about going out?" Niall asked me.

"Maybe." I said, looking up at him.

"Do you want to still go out?" He said, putting his hands on my arms. He was freezing.

"Niall, jeez, you're freezing!" I said, pulling him inside, shutting the door behind us.

"I take it that we're not going?" He said, as I pulled him to the coach.

"Well, we'll see if the rain lets up." I told him, making him sit on the couch. I grabbed a blanket from the chair, and threw it at him.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked him, my smothering taking over.

"Do you have hot cocoa?" He asked, putting on an adorable smile.

"Of course I do!" I said, running into the kitchen. I got out two mugs, and went into the cabinet to grab the packets.

I heard Niall's footsteps behind me, and then felt his arms wrap around me.

"Niall, you're still wet." I said, wriggling from his grasp.

He made a pouty face. "So you don't want to snuggle?" He said, still having the face.

I shook my head. "How could I say no to that face?" I said, setting the packets on father counter.

He beamed, and got out the milk from the fridge.

We each made our own and stuck them in the microwave. When both of ours were done, we headed into the living room and sat on the couch.

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