Chapter 34

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*Niall's POV*

Rehearsal was tough. It was our first day back, and everyone was concerned about Megan. When I told them that she should wake up any day, their worry went away.

"If she's gonna wake up any time, why aren't you there?" Harry asked while we were going through some vocal exercises.

"Because, I want to be here. I spent a ton of time at the hospital, and I just needed to be away for awhile." I told him.

He patted my back, and nodded. "Alright, Niall. I get it."

Then we went back to rehearsing. Cal tried to get us to do some kind of dance, but we wouldn't have any of it. We started making up crazy moves, like the dinosaur, and the bird. It was hilarious.

"Fine!" He said at last, throwing his hands in the air. "You win! Do what ever the bloody hell you want! Just don't hurt yourselves!" He said, and went to get some coffee.

I high fived Louis. Then we basically just did what ever we wanted, but then Paul stopped us before we got too crazy, making us actually do some work.

We ended up working on some newer songs from our new album, and then finished for the day.

"Hey, Niall, wanna come over for some pizza?" Louis said as we were getting ready to leave.

"Sure, let me just check to see if Mrs. M texted me." I said, picking up my phone. There was just one.

Hi Niall, just wanted to check in with you. Megan's doing fine, she hasn't woken up yet, but I'll keep you posted!~ Mrs. M

I texted her back quick.

Thanks! See ya later~Niall

"Okay, I'll be over after I stop at my house, 'kay?" I said, heading out with them to where we parked.

"Alrighty, Niall." Louis said, waving.

I got into my car, and drove to my house to drop off somethings and change into clean clothes, since mine were a bit smelly from earlier.

I drove back over to Louis' and walked right in.

"Hey, Niall's here!" Harry said. They were all in the living room, eating pizza.

"The girls are out, so it's just us." Louis said, biting off a slice.

"C'mon, ya started without me!" I said, plopping down on the floor and grabbing a slice.

"Sorry, we couldn't help it." Liam said grabbing another slice.

We sat there for a while before my phone buzzed.

I took it out and checked it. It was a call from Mrs. M.

"Hold on, its Mrs. M." I said, answering the call.


"Niall? It's Genni. I have some big news."

"Yeah, what is it?" I said. Megan might have woken up, she could be awake right now, and I could finally see her smile.

"You might wanna come to the hospital. Thomas and I are leaving, he has to do a video for work, so we'll be going to the house. And then you'll see." She said, sounding excited.

"Okay. Thank you, I'll be right over." I said. I hung up just as she was saying goodbye.

The boys looked worried.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Louis asked.

"No, but I have to go see Megan. Mrs. M said that there was a surprise. I think she wole up!" I said, getting up and walking to the door. "Sorry guys, but I hafta go."

"Of course. I hope she woke up. We'll let you go alone." Liam said, waving.

"Bye guys, I'll see ya tomorrow." I said, going out the door and to my car, quickly starting the engine. I headed to the hospital, my mind moving as fast as a rocket. She could be awake. She could be awake and waiting for me. I would finally be able to see her beautiful smile, and her eyes would be open. And her laugh, God how I've missed it.

As soon as I got to the hospital, I went through the doors and straight to the elevator and pressed the button for the sixth floor. I waited somewhat impatiently as the elevator slowly rose up. As soon as the doors opened to her floor, I raced through, anxious to see her.

"I'm here to see Megan McGallagar." I said to a nurse.

She checked her clipboard. "Okay, if you could just wait a minute, Dr. Sanbourne is checking on her." She said, smiling. Then she walked down the hall and into another room.

I waited outside her room for ten minutes, pacing between the bench and wall, until the doctor came out.

He jumped when he saw me, then smiled. "Hello, Mr. Horan! Come to see Miss McGallagar have we?" He said, scribbling something on his paper.

"Yeah, is she awake?" I said. I wanted to see her as soon as possible.

"Why don't you go see for yourself." He said, patting my back as he walked away.

I nodded, and opened the door carefully, and closing it behind me.

"Niall?" I heard a voice say. Her voice.

I turned around and saw her, sitting up in the bed, and smiling. She has a beautiful smile.

"Megan." I said, rushing over to her. I wrapped my arms around her and sat on the edge of the bed. I buried my head into the side of her neck, and held her tight.

We just sat there, holding each other. I had missed her hugs, they are so warm and gentle, and loving.

"I'm so glad you're awake." I said, pulling out of the embrace. She was smiling ear to ear. She almost looked like she was gonna cry.

"I am too. I missed you so much." She said, a tear falling down her cheek.

I wiped it away gently with my thumb. Now I thought I was gonna cry. "I-I thought I was gonna lose you." I said, stuttering a bit.

She laughed a breathy laugh. "I'm not going anywhere, Horan." And then she kissed me. It was a soft kiss. I kissed her back, and wrapped my arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and we stayed like that, perfectly comfortable.


AN: Yay! I got believe how far I've gotten in this story! And I can't believe how many reads! Thank you all so much for reading! I love all of you!

I hope that you continue to read it, and I'm hoping it will get a lot better. I have a lot of plans for Megan and Niall. :D Vote Comment and Share Lovelies! ~Megs

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