Catch Me If You Can

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*Louis' POV*

We were all sitting around after a fantastic game of football,eating, talking, just having a good time.

"Guys, I wanna play a game!" I said, standing up and stretching. "Something where we can go all around the park."

"Sounds fun!" Eleanor said. "What do you have in mind, love?"

"Hmmm, I don't know." I said, pacing back and forth.

"Ooh! I know!" Megan said, jumping up. "We could play hide and go seek tag! It's getting darker, and there are plenty if places to hide. It's perfect!" She said, beaming.

"It does sound fun!" Perrie said.

"I'd like to play!" Liam said.

"Alright, all in favour of hide and go seek tag, raise your hand!" I said raising my hand. Everyone else did. "Okay, people, let's do this!"

We did rock paper scissors to see who would be it first. Zayn lost, so he had to count on the ground first. We had 60 seconds to run and hide. A large oak tree was safe, and we were not allowed to hide near it.

When Zayn was counting, we all ran as fast as we could away from him. I didn't see where anyone else went, but I knew where I was going. There was this huge willow tree, where you could see everything from the top, but couldn't be seen by anyone else.

I decided to climb it, and went about halfway, knowing I would be concealed by the branches and leaves. This was going to be great.


*Niall's POV*

I ran as fast as I could to a little hill a little ways away from the oak tree. It was tall enough that I could see almost everything, and it had a little dip in the top so I could crouch and not be seen. It was perfect.

When I got settled, I could see what I assumed to be Harry running around frantically, searching for a spot. He decided on hiding behind a tree, which was just below my hill. Zayn would find him easily. Now all we had to do was wait.


*Zayn's POV*

"55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60! READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!" I screamed, getting up from counting.

At first, I couldn't see anyone. The I spotted a leg dangling from a tree about 40 feet away.

"Too easy". I mumbled to myself, approaching the tree without suspicion.

It turns out, it was a leg, Danielle's leg.

"Gotcha!" I yelled, climbing after her. But, she simply jumped down and ran towards the oak tree. She was a bit faster than I was, so I let her go.

I scanned the park, looking for anyone. It was getting darker by the second, and that meant it was harder to see. But, a little ways away, I saw white shoes peaking out from behind a tree.

I had stealth on my side, as I crept towards the tree. Well, apparently the person heard me, because they started running for it, going around the other side of the tree. It was Harry.

"Got ya, Haz!" I yelled running after him.

"No!" He screamed, running for the oak tree.

"Yes!" I started to catch up to him, put he ran and hugged the tree as if his life depended on it.

"I'm safe! I'm safe!" He screamed, out of breath.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard ya." I said, turning to look for the others.

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