Movie Night

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Dinner was a lot of fun with everyone, and a little embarrassing.

I'd forgotten how much Niall and I were alike. It was almost comical. I knew I blushed a lot, but I do that when I get embarrassed or nervous.

The car ride to the flat was hilarious. I don't think I've laughed that much with anyone in my whole life! And that's saying something. The guys really are hilarious, and you can tell that they have become very close in their three years together.

When we finally got to the flat, Louis opened the door and said, "Let's get this party STARTED!"

Eleanor started giggling and held his hand. They were really cute together. In fact, they were perfect for each other. I wish I had someone like that.

"Make yourselves at home, people." Louis said, making his way towards a cabinet near the telly. His living room had two chairs, a couch, and a love seat arranged in an arc around the tv.

Then the doorbell rang.

"I'LL GET IT!!" Louis screamed, running to the door.

Eleanor rolled her eyes, smiling, and followed him to the door. It was Perrie and Danielle.

"Hey, sorry we're late! Traffic was backed up." Perrie said, walking in.

"It's ok, babe." Zayn said, giving her a hug.

"Hey." Liam said to Danielle, taking her hand.

"Hi." She said back, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Ok, people." Louis said, bringing everyone into the living room. "Let's pick a movie!" He walked back to the cabinet and opened it.

"Man, Louis, how many movies do you have?" I asked.

"127." He said smugly.

"C'mon, Lou, don't brag." Eleanor said.

She, Louis, Niall and I gathered around the cabinet, picking out a movie. We all decided on The Hunger Games, which turned out to be Me and Eleanor's favourite movie.

We all were getting into seats. Harry sat in one of the chairs, Claudia and and Liam took the love seat, and Perrie, Zayn, Louis and Eleanor took the couch. That left the chair for either me or Niall.

"You take the chair, I'll sit on the floor." He said.

"No, I'll sit on the floor." I said back.

"Megan, I want you to be comfy." He retorted.

"I'll be f-" I started to say.

"Oh, just sit together!" Louis said.

"Ummm... Will we fit?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. Just sit on his lap." Louis said, putting his arm around Eleanor. She snuggled into him.

"Oh, alright." I said, pretty sure I was blushing.

I sat to the side of Niall, so he could see the tv.

"Harry, go turn on the movie!" Louis commanded.

"Why me?" Harry asked.

"Cuz your the closest!" Louis retorted, giving Harry his "duh" face.

Harry got up grumbling to himself and put the movie in.

I really like The Hunger Games, it's just that some parts are really sad. Like when Rue dies. She just reminded me of my cousin so much that I can't help but cry during that scene. Niall held my hand while that was going on. Danielle was snuggled into Liam sniffling, and Louis had his arms around Eleanor as she cried. Louis was crying,too, but I think he was just mocking us because Eleanor hit him with a pillow.

We all crashed from the excitement of the day before the movie ended. We were just too exhausted. That was when Louis screamed "WAKE UP YOU LAZY PEASANTS!" Making us all jump.

"Jeez, Louis. If you want us out of your house, just say it!" Zayn said, getting up with Perrie. "We're taking you guys home, right Liam?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." Liam said back, he and Danielle getting up and ready to go.

"We've got room for one mo-" Zayn started.

"I CALL IT!" Harry yelled, rushing over to them.

"Ok, sorry Niall. He called it." Zayn said.

"It's ok." He said, rubbing his neck. We were still sitting in the chair together.

"It was nice to meet you!" Danielle said to me, holding Liam's hand as she walked out the door.

"It was nice to meet you, too!" I called after her.

When they were gone, Louis started going up stairs. "You guys are welcome to sleep on the couches down here. Eleanor and I will get you some clothes." Eleanor followed him up the stairs. She came back down a couple minutes later, with a handful of clothes.

"Here, take these." She says handing me the shorts and t-shirt. "The bathroom is at the end of the hall to the right." She pointed down the hall.

"GERONIMO!" Louis yelled, throwing the clothes down the stairs. "G'night Niall and Megan!"

Eleanor rolled her eyes, smiling. "Sleep well, guys." Then she followed Louis upstairs.

"Goodnight." Niall and I said at the same time, causing me to blush and him to smile.

"Ladies first." Niall said, letting me go in the bathroom first. The clothes fit nicely. Niall went in, and when he came out, I was already on the couch, snuggled in a blanket.

"Sure, take the comfiest spot." He says, smirking.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Ladies first, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He says, swatting the air. Niall made himself comfy on the love seat. "Goodnight, Megs." He said, drifting off.

"Nite, Ni." I said back, closing my eyes

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