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I was so glad to be able to see Megan again. I thought about her a lot during the X-Factor and the past three years. She's my best friend. I'm glad I invited her to spend the summer with me and the boys. It'll be just like old times, except with the guys and the girls, buy hey, that's fine with me.

Antonio's is one of my favourite restaurants. Almost as good ,as Nando's, but not quite.

We were walking into the restaurant, and we saw the girls in a booth in the back. We told the greeter, and she led us to the booth.

"Hey, Eleanor!" Louis said, giving her a hug.

Zayn did the same to Perrie, and Liam to his girlfriend, Danielle

"Hi!" Eleanor said to Megan. "Are you Megan?"

"Yeah." Megan said. "Niall told you about me?" She looked down, and had a slight blush, which made me smile. She was shy sometimes, but I liked that about her.

"Of course! He said you were an old friend. I'm Eleanor."

"I'm Perrie."

"Hi, I'm Danielle, call me Dani." The girls introduced themselves. They always made people feel welcome.

"Who's your friend?" Eleanor asked.

"Hullo, I'm Sierra. Megan and I are roommates." Sierra said, waving a little.

"Glad to meet you!" The girls said in unison. They are really nice.

"Well, I'm hungry, and I know Niall is, so how about we sit down and order!" Louis said.

Just then my stomach growled.

"Well, that confirmed it!" Liam said. We all laughed, sat down, and looked at the menus. I sat down in between Megan and Liam. Liam sat next to Dani,who sat next to Perrie, who sat next to Zayn. Megan sat next to Eleanor, who sat next Louis, who sat next to Sierra, who sat next to next to Harry. We were in one of those circle booths. We were in the back, so no one would see us. Then the waitress came.

"Hello! I'm Kate, your waitress today, what would you like?"

Harry went first. "I'll have ice water and the chicken parmesian."

"I'll have a coke and the chicken marsala, please." Sierra said.

"I would like a lemon water and the spaghetti and meatballs, please!" Louis said with a smile.

"Louis!" Eleanor said, giggling. "Could I get a water and the fettuccine alfredo, please?" She said, turning to the waitress.

"Umm...I would like a diet coke and the cheese ravioli in meat-sauce, please?" Megan said.

Then Harry and I started laughing. The other boys got it, and joined in. The girls looked at us like we were stupid.

"What did I say?" Megan said.

"Nothing, it's just that that's what I always get, and I was going to order that!" I said.

"Oh!" She said, blushing. She is so shy.

"So, I'll have the same, please." I said, handing her my menu.

"A coke and meat lasagna, please". Liam said.

"Could I get a raspberry lemonade and gnocci soup, please?" Danielle asked.

"I would like an ice water and ceasar salad, please." Perrie said.

"I'd like a water and linguine and sausage, please." Zayn said.

"Okay, I'll be right out with your drinks." The waitress said, taking our menus and leaving to the kitchen.

"So, what have you been up to?" Eleanor asked Megan.

Megan turned to her and said, "I've just ended my second year of school at the university."

"Really? What are you going for?" Perrie asked.

"I'm majoring in science and my minor is music." She said, fiddling with her silverware.

"That's cool." Liam said. "What's your favourite topic in both?"

"Well, I'm studying paleontology, and I play an instrument." She said.

"And you sing a little." I added.

"That, too."

"What instrument do you play?" Louis asked her.

"The french horn." She said proudly. "Sierra plays the clarinet."

"Yep!" Sierra said cheerfully.

"Are you at the university?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah. I'm majoring in english and minoring in music." Sierra said.

"Cool." Harry said.

Then the waitress walked back with our drinks. Megan and I took a sip in unison.

"Wow, you two are still in sync after three years." Louis said, which caused Megan to blush some more. I smiled and laughed.

"So," Eleanor started, "What are we going to do after?"

"Don't know, love. What do you guys think?" Louis said.

"Well, I know I have to go. I'm meeting someone for a movie night at ten." Sierra said. "So I'm out."

"Maybe we could go see a movie." Danielle said. "You know, like what your doing."

"I'm in." Liam, Zayn, Perrie, and Harry said.

"So am I." Louis said. "What about you, El?"

"I dunno. I'd like it." She said to him.

"What about you, Megs? You want to have a movie night?" I asked her.

"Umm.. I guess I'm in. It sounds fun." She said.

"Okay, then! Louis said. "How about my flat?"

We all agreed to go to Louis' flat after dinner. When our food came, conversation stopped. We all ate or fill, finished up. We split the bill, so each one of us guys payed for a fifth. The we said our goodbyes to Sierra, saying that we should all hangout again. Since we had room for one more in the van, Eleanor decided to come with us, saying to Megan that she didn't want her to be alone with all our weirdness.

"It's okay. I've had years to get used to Niall's weirdness." She said giving me a playful punch.

We all piled in, and Perrie drove Danielle to Louis' flat. Paul turned on the tunes, and it just so happened that WMYB came on. The guys and I sang it loud enough for Paul to be able to turn the music down. Megan and Eleanor were smiling and laughing as we made hilarious faces during it. We all had a good car ride there

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